Disney invites us to chat with Guillermo Cánovas de Protégeles to celebrate International Safe Internet Day

Disney He has been kind enough to invite Peques and Más along with other blogging mothers: @quintano, @sinprepalguna, @malasmadres, @elsuenodeteresa, @laninasinnombre to share an information session on the Secure internet day to be held next day February 11, 2014. To illustrate the day he also attended Guillermo Cánovas, Director of @protegeles, to get to the mothers and fathers who were there up to date on the risks we face on the Internet.

We must thank The Walt Disney Company the call because it reaffirms its commitment to the protection of minors in the network and joins the initiative with the NGO Protégeles, after the agreement signed two months ago at the Spanish headquarters of the European Commission. And it is that both organizations work with the common objective of protecting and guaranteeing the child safety in new technologies and promote responsible use of them.

Between the main ideas that Guillermo anticipated us and that we will know in the next few days we can highlight the following points:

  • Among 14 year old Spanish children Tuenti is no longer as relevant As it was a few years ago. Now his priority is almost instantaneous communication with Applications on mobile devices that allow them to share content such as videos, messages and photos. In addition, these applications allow them to manage a limited number of people, encouraging conversation in real time in a simpler way than if more members participate
  • Teenagers have a great capacity for association and respond very quickly to fashion so any news that interests them will succeed and they will adopt it quickly
  • The management of the application privacy It is complicated and when we get closer to understand it they change it again
  • Young people have to lend attention to the images that upload to the Internet because it may be that more people see it and also probably will be able to save for many years. Although here it was commented that there are parents who have / have shared information about their children since they measured millimeters and were seen on an ultrasound
  • The digital divide of the present moment it is no longer among immigrants and digital natives or among those who have access to the Internet or not. All that is already overcome. The true digital divide is in between be an Internet consumer and be a content generator on the Internet. The objective of web 2.0, being active and generating content on the Internet, has already been achieved and now we have to decide on which side to be
  • So It is considered that all children and parents will use the technology, if it is not at home it will be at school, if not at a friend's house, etc.
  • The parental responsibility It will encourage children to produce and not only to participate and also do it with them. And it is that if the Tuenti generation their parents could not follow them, our children, that we are growing and participating with them, it is probably easier to teach them the risks of the Internet by sharing and talking about the experiences with them
  • That's why it is recommended put technology soon in the hands of children so that they learn and feel comfortable using it and learning with their parents. That way parents will also be educators, protectors, guides and reference for their children as they are in the real world
  • Nor should it fall into the ease of leave the tablet or mobile device to the children and you're done. It was commented that 90% of children know the keys of the parents' mobile devices, which can be a risk due to lack of control over the number of applications downloaded and the cost
  • It was commented that Internet is no different from the real world and that is why the commitment of the parents must be total from the beginning
  • And here a brief summary of what was the presentation of Guillermo Cánovas from Protégeles that will surely be extended in the next few days and we will try to be attentive to spread them.