Women who exercise pregnant have babies with better brain development

One of the things that is recommended for every pregnant woman, in addition to eating a healthy diet and leaving out the vices, is to exercise. It is recommended to have a good muscle tone, because it is healthy and because the body is better prepared for both pregnancy and childbirth.

Now, the benefits do not stop there, because it has already been seen that women who exercise in pregnancy have a lower risk of caesarean section and now it is also known that the benefits are not only for women, but also for the child, since women who exercise pregnant have babies with better brain development.

To reach this conclusion, researchers from the CHU Sainte-Justine Hospital Research Center, affiliated with the University of Montreal, in Canada, did a study to see if the hypothesis they were using was true. Apparently, it had been seen in rats that the offspring they exercised had a greater hippocampal development, better memory and more learning ability.

They decided to do a study with pregnant women and took a sample of 60 women that was divided into two groups. Women in one of the groups were asked to exercise at least 20 minutes three times a week, with a minimum intensity of 55% of its maximum aerobic capacity (that is, moderate exercise that generates a minimum difficulty in breathing). Those of the control group were not asked to do any exercise.

Once the babies were born, between 8 and 12 days, they were studied. They placed no less than 124 electrodes in the heads of the babies (painless test) and waited for them to fall asleep to analyze brain responses to repeated sounds and new sounds. They saw that babies born to mothers who had played sports had a more mature brain activation, the probable cause being faster brain development. With regard to other areas of development, the results are still unpublished, since babies are now one year old and it is precisely now that they want to assess cognitive, motor and language development.

In the words of David Ellemberg, author of the study:

Our research indicates that exercise during pregnancy improves the brain development of the newborn child ... We hope that these results will guide public health interventions and research on brain plasticity. We are optimistic that this encourages women to change their health habits, taking into account that the simple act of exercising during pregnancy can make a difference for the future of their children.

So, against the voices that say "now you're pregnant, you have to rest", it seems that the ideal thing is not apoltron too much: "you are pregnant, do some exercise". Something like your life keeps doing, if pregnancy allows it (sometimes between dizziness and nausea you can not) and do a little exercise every two days (you see that they speak for only 20 minutes, three times at week) so that everything goes better.

Via and Photo | Europa Press, Study in Pubmed On Babies and more | If you are planning pregnancy, get in shape, when to start exercising during pregnancy? What are the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy?

Video: Pregnancy Workout (May 2024).