"Juan's lumbago", a story about backaches and how to prevent them

"Juan liked to go to school with his friend Maria and read comics, but what he enjoyed the most was to play with his console…" Thus begins the story of "Juan's lumbago", a story about backaches and how to prevent them.

Although low back pain, pain in the lower back that may be due to several causes, is more common in adults, children and adolescents are not exempt from low back pain.

The most common cause of low back pain is stretching or sprain, a problem arises with the practice of games, sports, carrying excessive weight on the back (school bags) or after suffering a fall.

But the best way to prevent those pulls is avoid a sedentary lifestyle, maintain an adequate physical exercise, without loading the back of excessive weight and even once the pain has occurred, it is not necessary to rest in bed but to perform the physical activity that the pain allows.

Although, yes, it must be the doctor who assesses the origin of lumbago and, if necessary, send appropriate treatment and guidelines to follow for recovery.

"Juan's lumbago", this story about back pain and how to prevent it, we can read it online from the web Espalda.org. We remind you that they also have published "The comics of the back" to teach children how to take care of it.

Official Site | Back.org On Babies and more | The back and weight of the backpack, Take care of the child's spine