Rubius maintains its sales progression and expands its recognition for children and adolescents

Long time at home the Rubius It is quite known and we do not miss any news that it produces. During the 2014 Book Fair he has been one of the most visited and highest selling authors. And it has gotten that 34,000 fans get the copy of The Troll Book. Rubius has generated a proposal in which the challenge is not so much to read as encourage and provoke young people to do things. And surely they do them because their videos on YouTube have millions of followers and are on their way to the billion views.

It does not seem that our generation is accustomed to these modernities because it's about a person who makes videos on YouTube, that counts things that seem too daring and with answers from the people who are with him to those who like them! We are more accustomed to what goes on television and what is told the next day however the new generations have immediate information and share what they saw at the moment demanding El Rubius, always be updated and generating attractive content.

And that's what the book is about, cause your readers to make pranks, record them, share them and discuss them. And he is a good teacher and serves to stimulate his readers and YouTube fans.

Apparently, El Rubius likes videogames so it must be that what he has learned in this virtual world, full of action and immediate reaction and challenges that can be tried again and again, has been able to move that way of doing the YouTube channel. And the brands, which are attentive, because they have a great lever in El Rubius to reach teenagers and make the investment profitable.

We will keep an eye on El Rubius because he is sure thinking about new videos and especially new books. And in the meantime be careful because if a little boy or a teenager appears with the camera in hand and making hooligans get ready because he might be responding to some of the challenges of The Rubius.