
One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our Recipes section for the whole family with ideas for children to eat too varied, of what they like most and of foods they still do not know, with recipes that probably They have never tried. They are recipes made by our companions of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish and some desserts too.

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As the Halloween party is already a tradition in our country, today we want to give you a suggestion for a children's snack that you can also do with your children. These are pear crêpes with spider crêpes, which will surely be very fun. If last year we suggested some funny fractured and bloody bones, today we have opted for this sweet recipe in which they will love to work and that, in addition, they can later eat it.

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One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our Recipes section for the whole family with ideas for children to eat too varied, of what they like most and of foods they still do not know, with recipes that probably They have never tried. They are recipes made by our companions of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish, some taking advantage of Halloween, and some desserts also themed to give a little variety (and make you grow the bug of wanting to get into the kitchen to do them).

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How are you doing appetite? Lunchtime is approaching and today as every week and we put on the apron to get into the kitchen and prepare delicious recipes for the whole family. Because we love to renew the menus and that the kids get used to trying new dishes. We bring you the best recipes of our companions of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica with which you can prepare varied and healthy dishes.

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Today I want to show you a delicious pasta recipe that is ideal for the whole family as it contains all the necessary nutrient groups for everyone and also because it is very good. These are whole grain macaroni with bechamel and minced meat that are guaranteed successful. I have prepared it with whole-grain pasta, because of its fiber contribution but to make it you can use common pasta or egg pasta if you prefer, with an identically delicious result.

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Today we have put on kitchens and we get into the kitchen with the kids. What a better plan for the weekend than cooking with the children! An experience that both children and you will enjoy. Therefore, our Hunting Gangas this week is dedicated to the small aspiring great chefs.

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Preparing sweets and homemade snacks for our children is a task that we should not neglect, to ensure that they eat better and thus avoid high consumption of products with high percentage of sugar or saturated fat. That is why today we are going to learn how to make chocolate and almond puff pastry candies, which you will surely love.

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One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our Recipes section for the whole family with ideas for children to eat also ours, as we did when we were little, and get them out of the typical children's menu based on Pasta, batters and potatoes. They are recipes made by our companions of Direct to the Palate, of Trendencias and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish or to prepare relatively quickly, which is summer and there are days that we do not enter so much in the kitchen, and some desserts to give a little variety (and make you grow the bug of wanting to get into the kitchen to make them).

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When I thought of the name of this traditional recipe of fabada, I decided to put the name of fabada suitable for all audiences because as I am going to tell you, anyone can prepare it with the assurance that it will work out well at the first, whether or not Cooking experience The fabada is one of the easiest dishes to make, since it is only about having the best ingredients and simmering them, or if you want, in the express pot.

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One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our Recipes section for the whole family with ideas for children to eat also ours, as we did when we were little, and get them out of the typical children's menu based on Pasta, batters and potatoes. They are recipes made by our companions of Direct to the Palate, of Trendencias and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish or to prepare relatively quickly, which is summer and there are days that we do not enter so much in the kitchen, and some desserts to give a little variety (and make you grow the bug of wanting to get into the kitchen to make them).

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How many times someone comes home suddenly to see our children or to tell us something and catches us with nothing to give him. With this recipe for extra quick chicken skewers for an unexpected snack, we can look great on these occasions. With ingredients from those of every day, from which we always have at home, we can prepare these chicken tacos cooked with soy, spices and lime, which will be original and appetizing for our visitors.

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How are you doing appetite? Lunchtime is approaching and today as every week and we put on the apron to get into the kitchen and prepare delicious recipes for the whole family. Because we love to renew the menus and that the kids get used to trying new dishes. We bring you the best recipes of our companions of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica with which you can prepare varied and healthy dishes.

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Today I want to show you a very healthy recipe for the whole family since in a delicious way, it includes two foods that we all must take often: on the one hand blue fish and on the other, vegetables and vegetables. This salmon recipe with vegetable cream has all these elements and is so delicious that you will undoubtedly ask it again and again.

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I remember that in my birthdays there were never too many people, it is what has been born in summer and that most of your friends are on vacation. I remember that we didn't complicate our lives, or rather our mothers, and the cakes used to be the simplest, having chocolate as their main ingredient, in fact, one of the most famous was the biscuit and nocilla cake and that it was always a success.

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Every year, I try to make a cake for my nieces and my son's birthdays and every time I try to make a different cake. On this occasion, at the express request of my niece Marina, we have made a three-story cake with a different chocolate in each one. It is a very easy and very colorful recipe so I recommend you try this birthday cake with three chocolates when you have the opportunity to make it.

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One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our Recipes section for the whole family with ideas for children to eat also ours, as we did when we were little, and get them out of the typical children's menu based on Pasta, batters and potatoes. They are recipes made by our companions of Direct to the Palate, of Trendencias and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish or to prepare relatively quickly, which is summer and there are days that we do not enter so much in the kitchen, and some desserts to give some variety (and make you grow the bug of wanting to get into the kitchen to make them).

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Paella is probably one of the most familiar dishes in our country. In many houses, families gather around this traditional dish, and that day the father, brother-in-law or any other member of the house cooks trying to prove their skills as kitchens. To facilitate the task to those who do not master this recipe, today we will teach you to prepare a simple chicken and rabbit paella that will make you look like kings next time.

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