As if by magic: see how these pregnant women make their bellies disappear

Amazing. The image on these lines is not before and after pregnancy. They are from the same moment. "Impossible" is the first thing that occurs to me to see these videos where pregnant women make their bulky belly disappear, as if by magic. Well, it's not magic but a "method" called "Deep Core Hold" and that is based on diaphragmatic breathing.

This is a technique that has popularized The Bloom Method, a study of fitness from the United States dedicated exclusively to pregnant women. Specifically, through this diaphragmatic breathing exercise, pregnant women, even seven and eight months pregnant, manage to make the gut disappear almost completely.

"Deep Core Hold" can be translated as something similar to "deep core or center retention" and consists of diaphragmatic breathing to perform intra-abdominal pressure, to contract and distend abdominal muscles, which can be achieved with the adequate training and specific physical conditions, too: some of the mothers who perform this "trick" are professional athletes and we also see the instructor.

A shared publication of The Bloom Method ™ (@thebloommethod) on Mar 20, 2017 at 3:16 p.m. PDT

Beyond this unlikely exercise, the Bloom Method aims for the pregnant woman to connect with her body and to carry a conscious and healthy pregnancy, with many other breathing and physical exercises to prepare for delivery.

The images are amazing. I really don't know where the baby gets to "disappear" that way. I think about my pregnancies at that point and how my interior seemed to have not a single hollow space, it was even hard to breathe deeply (if sometimes there is hardly any food left!). So how is it possible to "reposition" the organism so that the fetus is placed if it is barely noticeable in the womb?

Of course, the study of the "method" indicates that this incredible practice has no risk for the fetus and that, on the contrary, diaphragmatic breathing has other advantages for the mother, such as reducing the risk of incontinence, of prolapse (fall of an internal organ) or sagging abdominal muscles, low back pain, excessively long bids in childbirth ...

A shared publication of The Bloom Method ™ (@thebloommethod) on Apr 2, 2017 at 5:51 p.m. PDT

Conscious breathing can certainly help a lot in pregnancy, especially when it comes to achieving greater psychological well-being, reducing stress, relaxing ... What is not very clear to me is that this way of breathing making the belly disappear is useful for something plus. That is, if we simply practice a conscious, habitual, ordinary diaphragmatic breathing or whatever we want to call it, we will also have benefits.

Anyway, we keep wondering if it's magic or not, judge for yourself how pregnant women make their tummy disappear with this "Deep Core Hold". If anyone intends to imitate this almost optical effect, do not worry about not achieving it: I am sure that hard training is needed and ... well, it is not necessary as long as we breathe well and find ourselves fit.