What jobs are going to be done by robots in the future

The big question that our children will face in the near future is whether your work is going to be done by a robot. And there are ways to determine it because since qz.com They show us a dynamic infographic to know, by sectors of activity, what probability (likelihood of becoming automated) has the job of being performed by a robot in addition to the salary band in which that work moves (median wage). In the graph in addition, the size of the bubble explains the Number of employees (workers) that are affected. Although it is obvious that they are approximations, studies and trends, with data that correspond to the United States, the truth is that the mechanization, which we have been living in since 70 years in many sectors of activity, will not stop and many jobs will be carried out by machines in the medium to long term.

In the image that I have selected playing with dynamic infographics, I have stopped at administrative jobs I do believe that they will be very affected and that they are also the ones with the lowest income. And now the machines help us to send and receive information, to manage it, to store it, to search for it, etc. and I think it won't stop. At sales staff It is also observed that the progressive trend towards buying autonomously, digital downloads (payment not sharing), the facilities offered by payment methods and logistic improvements ensure that going to buy from a physical site will Keep changing and getting faster.

A revolution Next is the transport Although we still don't notice much, I believe that our children will no longer buy cars, but instead will ride in vehicles that will take them autonomously, especially in the cities, while doing jobs, reading or videoconferencing.

There is missions Y jobs that they are difficult to automate, for example, tasks of management, planning, people management (development of skills and competences), photography, and many more. And not only because of the difficulty of automation but because those jobs that are done by machines require professionals who know what to do with them: computer scientists, mathematicians, engineers, health professionals, etc. they will be the ones that can best circumvent automation.


So our children already know what they have to aspire to, surely to be very specialized liberal professionals or to technical, command and management positions that ensure content and responsibility in order to coordinate and manage the work of the machines.

Video: 15 Jobs That Will Disappear In The Next 20 Years Due To AI (June 2024).