Playing is the best sport for your little one: reasons and examples

He physical and intellectual development of children goes through different stages throughout their childhood. To promote learning and the acquisition of new skills there are many activities and games with which in addition to exercising and having fun, they can interact with their parents and the environment. Next we will give you several examples of active games for different ages, some of which can be started from the first weeks of the baby's life.

Game, fun and sport

Performing physical activity on a regular basis is one of the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for its multiple benefitsAmong those found are avoiding many cardiovascular and bone diseases, as well as maintaining adequate weight control. In children, physical activity is also very important, since the childhood obesity is one of the serious problems of public health of the 19th century. But practicing exercise is not only good for the physical development of the little ones, but it is also good for their brain development.

Thus, experts recommend that, besides caring for food, big and small let's become aware of the importance of performing moderate exercise frequently. In the case of children, especially those who are smaller, physical activity can be done Through the game. On the one hand you will get them to exercise the body and, on the other, to associate the practice of physical activity with something fun, instilling a very positive habit for a lifetime.

Discovering the world

If there is a common denominator in children that is their curiosity. From birth, the little ones are attracted to everything that surrounds them, and that is that everything is new and unknown to them! One of the first things kids discover is shapes, colors and textures through your senses. Thus, good allies for their first weeks of life can be soft stuffed animals and rattles that emit soft sounds and with different tissues, so that they develop the ear and touch.

But without a doubt one of the most complete toys for babies is the arc or activity blanket. Lying on his back the baby can to interact with the elements you put at your fingertips. Around 3 months, in addition, he will try to take them himself with his hand or touch them by raising his legs, an exercise that will contribute to increase your motor development and coordination. These types of activity blankets are also very suitable for later stages. For example, when the baby begins to hold the head, lying on his stomach, you can stretch to play with him with the toys he likes best to help him strengthen the muscles and interact while having a fun time.

Improving coordination and fine motor skills

Around 6 months (some do it before and others later), babies learn to sit alone, keeping their balance. In this beautiful stage, we can teach you some activities that will contribute to the learning of some skills that will be very important for your development, such as coordination and fine motor skills. The classics stacking toys hoops or cubesFor example, they will allow your baby to perform a task that requires some dexterity and concentration. The first few times you probably won't get it, but with time, patience and, above all, without forgetting that it is a game, you will learn to do that activity.

When the baby starts the complementary feeding, you can let him experiment with bits of food, always under our supervision, and try to take them to his mouth, a good way for them to learn to take small objects and make tweezers with their fingers. With this exercise, in addition, the baby will go gaining some autonomy.

The baby moves

In the phase of crawling and first steps you can add new games, more and more moved, through which babies will go acquiring new skills. To motivate them in their small displacements, you can use rolling elements, like a musical cylinder or a ball, and try to get them to look for them. It will be a very fun activity with which they will exercise their whole body and allow them to win coordination, for example on the legs and arms when crawling, and balance, when they take their first steps.

You can also spend great moments playing hide and seek, something that kids love. Place yourself behind the sofa or the table and encourage your children to look for you by calling them. You will see what joy it gives them to achieve their goal!

When they walk with ease, we can go incorporating new games and activities with those who continue having fun while playing sports. To gain motor skills, balance and precision, it's time to introduce them to slightly more complex sports, such as ball sports. The goal & Fit Goal League of Chicco, belongs to a new line of toys with which your child can play sports playing.

It is an electronic football goal with different game modes (penalty shootout, gold goal and challenge to play alone or with friends). With it you can play alone or with your friends, something that will also allow you to learn to share and play with other children, to win and also to lose.

Playing sports while the kids and their parents have fun is, as you see, fully compatible. We encourage you to put into practice some of these ideas to promote physical activity in family and have fun times.

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Photos | GoodOlga / poplasen / RobHainer

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