Pregnant in summer? Drink lots of fluids

If you are waiting for a baby in the middle of summer it is convenient that you drink plenty of water to mitigate the effects of heat.

It is recommended to everyone, and more especially to pregnant women, drink at least two liters of liquid daily to avoid dehydration. Between two and three liters would be ideal.

I understand that for many it is impossible to cover that amount of water per day, I can not, but I can also use other drinks that contain water as the main ingredient such as soda, infusions (cold tea is ideal for this time) lemonade , isotonic drinks or natural fruit juices.

In addition to helping you combat the effects of a heat wave, drinking small amounts of cold liquid during pregnancy also helps to combat the feeling of acidity and prevent constipation.

Exposed to excessive heat, the body loses between two and three liters of water per day, so to keep it hydrated you have to drink liquid constantly and in small quantities, even if you do not feel thirsty.

We tend not to give it the importance it deserves, but dehydration is not a minor problem. It occurs when the body loses more water than it ingests causing cellular disorders to a lesser or greater extent, with effects that can even cause death.

It affects the most vulnerable people such as children, the elderly and pregnant or breastfeeding women, who need more water because of their physiological needs, becoming more prone to suffer a dehydration crisis.

Therefore, do not underestimate the heat. As much as you are very well, in summer try to drink a lot of liquid, always have a bottle of water on hand or look for a drink that you want to stay hydrated.

Video: Pregnancy Nutrition - Are you getting enough water? (July 2024).