How to educate children according to Pilar Sordo (I)

The most common when we offer you a video is to put it at the beginning of the post, present it and then talk about it, explaining it and analyzing it to offer our vision of what can be seen in it. Today, however, I will ignore its analysis so that you freely comment what you think of it. In a few days I will post an entry with the feelings I had when I saw it.

The video I am talking about is from Pilar Sordo, whom I met (not personally, but I saw it via YouTube) a few days ago. Pilar Sordo is a famous Chilean psychologist, author of several books, very involved in educational work giving talks in various schools and pedagogically advising the professionals who work in them.

On YouTube there are several videos of Pilar Deaf giving talks or conferences, being the first one I saw in which he talked about children and adolescence, explaining to the parents of a school the many mistakes that are made today and the solutions to not continue committing them.

This video that I comment has a duration of about 40 minutes and in it I could listen very logical and valid things and quite scary and disrespectful things towards children, according to my way of seeing parenting.

The impression that this professional left me, something like “I am not yet able to criticize her, but I am not yet able to support her”, was closer to the criticism the next day, when I could see the video that I bring you today, that It lasts about eight minutes, in which I could see condensed and summarized everything that I liked least from the first video, leaving almost everything I liked (not everything, but almost everything).

As an exercise of reflection, and seeing that the video has several positive votes on YouTube and some supportive comment, and even seeing how the women who accompany Pilar Deaf In the video, I would like to discuss your words. I urge you to watch the video and explain what you think. For my part, as I said, I will explain what I think about the various "passages" that the video contains in a few days.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | The famous limits, "Respecting children does not mean spoiling them all." Interview with the psychologist Ramón Soler, Five basic steps to raise positive and without punishment

Video: Singers, what to do about warm ups. . (July 2024).