Our children value and respect friendship

SOS Children's Villages, in your project Values ​​from Children's Villages, has conducted a survey of 24,000 children aged between 6 and 12 years to know the current state and foster friendship, respect, tolerance, self-esteem, trust ... in short, values ​​necessary for an encouraging future and reciprocally respectful.

The conclusions of the survey seem quite positive, although perhaps it would be interesting to know more information about the children surveyed. In principle, 82% of the children affirm that the opinion of their friends, although different from theirs, is respected and reaffirm that all people deserve the same treatment.

One of the most important values ​​of friendship is respect and tolerance, which is why six out of ten of the children surveyed think that the most important thing about a friend is to listen and accept you. We assume that it is immaturity (logical at those ages), the remaining 4% think that the main thing is to look for friends who give fun. The rancor is in disuse, 85% of children forgive and forget an argument or anger with a friend, only 10% apply the Talion Law (an eye for an eye ...) and 5% stop counting on that friend.

Unconditional support is also a sign of friendship, and among the little ones there is also, 60% of children defend their partners (even if it hurts them) if they see that someone treats them badly, although 26% prefer to cover their backs and Do nothing and 14% only defend true friends.

Almost all children are sure that their family is the one who respects and tolerates them the most, although only 29% perceive that their parents take their opinion into account, this issue should perhaps be viewed from various approaches.

But broadly speaking, it seems that the adults of the future are taking up the values ​​because parents and guardians provide a good education, although we would also like to know a similar survey conducted on adults.

We hope that the long road they have to go to these children in life, will continue to provide what they confess to feel and utter, they will have a much better future.

Video: Respect Others (July 2024).