Character changes in pregnancy

As you know, women are very susceptible to the hormonal changes that occur throughout our lives. During pregnancy there is an authentic hormone revolution largely responsible for the character changes in pregnancy.

A pregnant woman can be happy and at five minutes depressed, she can burst into tears and have explosions of anger for no apparent reason, be irritable, be in a bad mood when she wasn't before ... In other words, what we know as "having the sensitivity To flower of skin".

What happens is that pregnancy hormones act in the brain affecting not only the woman's body that prepares to house her child, but also, and much, emotions.

Pregnancy is a very intense stage in a woman's life, mixed feelings ensue, moods that rise and fall. The future mom experiences certain emotional fragility and sudden changes in mood throughout the nine months.

This roller coaster of emotions is nothing more than the effect caused by the action of hormones, but also the uncertainty about the great transformation that is undergoing his body and his life. Concern about the future, the health of the baby, how the delivery will be, how life will be with the child at home and a whole cloud of concerns that comes before something that will change our lives forever.

The support of the couple and the family is essential so that the pregnant woman feels understood and those changes of character do not pass to major causing more serious disorders such as depression.

Birth preparation classes or any area where you may have contact with other pregnant women can also help. Sharing feelings and concerns with women in the same situation will help assimilate the new situation and better cope with character changes in pregnancy.

Video: This is Your Pregnancy in 2 Minutes. Glamour (July 2024).