Sailing with children: five basic safety tips on board that you should know

Summer has arrived and you are probably considering taking a trip or a trip aboard a boat with young children.

You can enjoy a great family experience, but logically one of the first issues that arise is the safety of children, since being on a boat is not the same as being on the mainland. So, If you plan to go sailing with the children, but there are five tips you should know.

Know the weather forecast

Before planning a day on board, you must ensure that the weather conditions are optimal. It is essential to be informed about the state of the sea and the weather forecast for the day or days that you will be at sea. If they are not adequate, the marine adventure can wait.

Life jacket, essential

From the moment they set foot on the boat, children must have the life jacket on. It is like a second skin, they cannot be removed at all and you have to control all the time they wear it.

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Sun protection, no excuses

Other condition sine qua non is that children are well protected from the sun's rays with all possible means. That is, sunscreen, cap and sunglasses. Also ensure that the ship has a shaded area to avoid burns or sunstroke.

Boat adapted to children

When choosing the boat, you must ensure that it is equipped with the appropriate safety measures for the little ones. For example, if you are going to spend the night that the beds are equipped with special protective nets to prevent falls and that the crew is sufficient, especially if there will be more than one child.

Watch them at all times

We already know that children can become very elusive. If it is dangerous that they are on the mainland, imagine yourself on the high seas, so try to keep them guarded at all times, especially in dangerous areas such as stairs or the deck to avoid falls or strong blows.

Browse with children It can become an unforgettable experience as long as you keep in mind some basic safety tips on board. Have you had any seafaring adventure with your children?

Video: 10 Tips for Boating with Kids (July 2024).