A baby will be recorded for 14 hours to study language development

American scientist Deb Roy is developing a study to understand how language evolves in children, from babble until they say fluent phrases. The experiment will be done at home and will study your own child of just a few months. They will install microphones and video cameras that they will record for 14 hours a day, until the child turns three.

The recordings will start at 8h. in the morning and will end at 10pm, and parents will have the option to turn off the cameras or delete some recordings to preserve their privacy. But even so, this scientist guarantees that your baby's progress can be analyzed day by day. Previously, other studies had been carried out for this purpose, but according to Roy, the results were not so reliable, because when moving babies to a strange place, their behavior and learning may vary.

For the family, it is no news to live under the surveillance of the cameras, because before the baby was born they had participated in different experiments that required it, but how will it affect the baby? You may not even find out, and when you are older you can see how they were their first years of life, in addition to having served to learn more about the evolution of human language, or perhaps recriminate the actions of their parents, who knows ...

Video: How Do Babies Become Bilingual? (July 2024).