How to teach your teenage daughter to use a tampon for the first time

Among all the physical and psychological changes that our children begin to experience when they enter adolescence, the arrival of the first menstruation is usually the one that generates more doubts in girls.

Among the main concerns associated with this fact, is tampon use for the first time: "Will it hurt me to wear it?", "When is it a good time to use it for the first time?", "What should I consider?"

Surely there are many questions that your daughter asks about the use of this product, and it is important that you solve them naturally, to avoid incidents and associated risks. We give you some clues that can help you!

Explain to your daughter how a tampon works

Before using a tampon for the first time it is recommended that explain to your daughter how exactly it works, showing him one, letting him observe it and ask you the questions he deems appropriate.

Explain that when introduced into the vagina, the tampon, made of compact cotton, will expand as it absorbs the menstrual flow, preventing it from leaving its body.

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How to choose the best buffer?

As with sanitary pads or towels, the buffers also have different levels of absorption depending on the amount of flow or the time of the period in which we are.

Explain to your daughter the differences between one and the other, and encourage her to choose the one that best suits her needs through observation and knowledge of her own body and her menstrual cycles.

There are buffers with applicator and manual insertion buffers. It may be easier and easier at first to use the tampons with an applicator, but it does not hurt to show both models so you can try the one with which you feel more comfortable.

Tips for placing the tampon for the first time

The moment of putting on a tampon for the first time can be complicated, since the nerves tighten the muscles making insertion more difficult.

Therefore, it is recommended that you explain to your daughter beforehand (through a simulated demonstration), how to do it, emphasizing the importance of being calm to facilitate the moment.

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We share some tips that may be useful for this first time:

  • Recommend to your daughter that choose a time of the cycle where more flow has, so that the insertion of the buffer is easier.

  • Recommend that you start with a small tampon and applicator.

  • Give ideas about different positions that you can adopt at the time of placing the tampon, and that will facilitate the moment.

  • Explain that you shouldn't notice the tampon inside, so if it bothers you, rubs, hurts, or feels like it comes out, you should try again. Placing a tampon correctly and quickly is a matter of practice.

  • Remind him of the importance of properly washing his hands before and after putting on the tampon, and of not throwing the applicator or the wraps around the toilet.

What is toxic shock syndrome?

Though in the tampon box warns about toxic shock syndrome (SST) and its relationship with the use of this product, it is very important that you inform your daughter about it, and explain the precautions you should take to minimize risks.

Toxic shock syndrome is a serious but rare infection caused by the toxins generated by the staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria, and is associated with the use of tampons. In VitónicaWhat is toxic shock syndrome, do tampons pose a real risk for women?

Although it is a very small and very rare risk, there are some things we can do to minimize it further:

  • Change the buffer every four hours, or more frequently if needed, but you should never spend more than eight hours with it on.

  • Buffer must have adequate absorption to the menstrual flow, because the OSH has been related to the use of super absorbent buffers. Therefore, it is only recommended to use maximum absorption when the menstrual flow is very abundant.

  • Combine the use of tampons with compresses or other methods, especially at night.

  • The tampon should only be used during menstruation, and never to absorb the common vaginal discharge or put it on before the period goes down.

As with many other moments that our teenagers will discover, the arrival of the first menstruation and all that entails can be full of uncertainty and fears. That is why it is so important that our children have the confidence to speak with us, and we know how to solve their doubts with total naturalness.

Video: How to Insert a Tampon. Tampon Training Camp by BeingGirl (May 2024).