How to know if you are pregnant: the symptoms

Each woman is a world. Some almost feel no symptoms, while others feel them even before confirming pregnancy. The truth is that when pregnancy occurs the woman's body is revolutionized due to the action of hormones and important changes appear at all levels. ¿How do you know if you are pregnant? Pay attention to the symptoms.

The only reliable way to confirm it is through a pregnancy test, but know what the first symptoms that you are pregnant.

Absence of menstruation

Amenorrhea or absence of menstruation is the most important pregnancy symptom. If the rule is delayed, it is a clear sign of possible pregnancy. As you know, when the egg that the woman expels is fertilized, it is implanted in the endometrium where the embryo will nest. If there is no fertilization, the endometrium falls apart causing bleeding (what we know as a rule), but if it occurs, that is, if there is pregnancy, there will be no bleeding.

There may be a slight bleeding It lasts only one or two days, darker and less abundant known as implantation bleeding. It can be confused with the rule because it occurs between 6 and 10 days after fertilization when the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus, but it is lighter.

Breast tenderness

Another of the symptoms that make a pregnancy suspect is an extreme sensation in the breasts. Swelling, irritability and discomfort, even mild pain By rubbing the nipples.

At the slightest sign of pregnancy the breasts begin to prepare to feed the baby. The hormone progesterone affects the growth of the mammary glands and estrogens in the development of milk ducts, causing the blood flow, the fat layer to increase in the breasts and the size of the milk glands to increase.


Many women experience a feeling tired quite accused and feel sleepy at any time of the day.

The woman's body prepares to house a new life. This translates into a considerable increase in the volume of blood circulating in your veins and an increase in the pulse, so you also need more rest to recover energy.

Sensation of malaise, reluctance and some weakness They are normal in the first weeks of pregnancy. Even before it is confirmed by a test.


As we mentioned, the cardiovascular system of women is running at forced marches, so it is normal for a drop in blood pressure to cause dizziness at any time of the day, which in some cases can lead to fainting.

They are more frequent when standing up or getting out of bed abruptly, after eating, or after standing for a long time. To avoid them, always do it slowly and avoid standing for a long time.

Nausea and vomiting

There are women who do not have them and others who can have them throughout pregnancy, although most often they disappear after the first trimester, at most four months. But this depends a lot on each woman.

Again, those responsible are the hormones that cause an unpleasant Stomach upset, excessive salivation, and the urge to vomit which in some cases is specified. They are more common in the morning upon waking, although they can occur at any time of the day.

Aversion to certain odors and food

Taste and smell are also affected in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Smells that you liked before become disgusting, and the same with meals.

The increase in estrogen causes the woman to have a more prominent smell and an extreme sensitivity to odors, which for perfumers and sumelliers can be an advantage but during pregnancy it becomes a truly unpleasant nuisance.

Other pregnancy symptoms

We have commented on the most common symptoms, but as you know, every woman is a world and can experience changes at all levels.

Some women suffer from other habitual discomforts such as headache which is concentrated on both sides of the head and on the neck, nasal congestion, caused by dilation of blood vessels (also called "pregnancy rhinitis"), or swelling of the feet and hands due to the increase in blood volume.

Video: Early Pregnancy Symptoms. Kaiser Permanente (May 2024).