Mexico ranks first in bullying according to the OECD

We have known that Mexico occupies the first place in bullying among students, from among the 34 countries that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

It seems that our (supposedly advanced) society is failing when it comes to values ​​education, since the aggressors get to have prestige and social recognition. Unlike the victims who are denigrated by particular conditions.

When analyzing the available data, it has been observed that among the factors that trigger this type of behavior are too strict family disciplines or viewing television programs with high doses of violence. Attendance at schools with 'militarized' methods, the behavior of some parents with their children, or the collusion of teachers in extremely unfair situations, are also among the factors that cause bullying.

And when the behavior is transformed into particular behaviors, there are also no differences between Mexico and other countries. Since psychological harassment, threats or invasion of the private space of the students is practiced, making use of personal objects to break or hide them.

Deputy Daniela Villarreal announced that she will promote an initiative to reform the General Education Law, so that the authorities promote dissemination campaigns that convey the importance of a democratic and violence-free coexistence in the family, educational and community spheres.

The aim is to use information technologies that foster a culture of peace in the school environment. It also expresses the need to develop models of comprehensive care for people who receive and generate violence in the school environment; as well as to create an inter-institutional network or observatory on school coexistence and a program for the prevention and attention of violence.

A study conducted in Germany on a population of 228 students, from elementary education to adolescence, concluded that bullies can be recognized from an early age, since it is easy to observe how they organize movements against a student in particular

In Mexico, in the United States, in Spain and in any country, violent behavior of physical or psychological harassment between equals begins very early, and it is known that the age of onset is around seven years. Although the latter does not need to be told, we just have to look around.

At this point it is urgent that action is already taken by correcting behaviors, establishing monitoring programs for aggressors / attention to victims, and publicly showing the population as a whole that bullying should not be allowed or accepted. Because nobody has the right to play with the dignity or physical or psychological integrity of people, because victims can also become aggressors, and because not denouncing harassment 'on time' puts us on the side of violence.