Practical step-by-step guide for baby bath

The bathroom is one of the most special moments to enjoy with your baby. In fact, it is usually the time of day preferred by most parents. But it is normal at first to feel fearful and insecure when bathing the newborn.

This is one practical guide for baby bath, which we hope will serve first-time parents or those who will soon be to enjoy this special moment with their son or daughter.

  • Condition the bathroom to have an adequate temperature, especially if it's cold. In those cases, around 24 degrees is a temperature indicated so that the baby does not cool down.

  • Have everything you need prepared. Do not leave the child alone for a moment, so we will have to leave everything at hand so as not to have to leave the bathroom. Towel or coat, specific soap, sponge, clean diaper, cream for the culete and change of clothes.

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  • Check the water temperature with a bath thermometer or with the inside of the wrist or the back of the hand. The water should not be cold or burn, approximately the ideal temperature is between 34-37 degrees Celsius.

  • Undress the baby and clean the diaper area before putting it in the bathtub gently. Take care that you keep your head well. Small bathtubs or adapters are ideal for the first months. If you do the bath yourself, place an arm behind your back so that the baby rests his head on the forearm, supporting him by the armpit and shoulder. The baby is semi-incorporated and well supported.

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  • With the free hand, start washing from top to bottom, starting with the head and ending with the genitals (here we remind you how to care for the vulva and penis). Pay attention to the areas that should be checked especially because they usually accumulate dirt, sweat ...: the neck and skin area with folds (armpits, thighs, English ...).

  • Use a neutral soap for the baby's delicate skin. You probably don't have too much hair to have to use shampoo, remember that not all cosmetics are suitable for your skin and lotions, shampoos and talc are not recommended.

  • After the bath you have to dry the baby's entire body, especially between the folds, without rubbing, preferably with cotton towels.

  • Put on the diaper and dress the baby before it catches cold. It is already clean.

The bathroom itself is over, but we can "dress it up" with music, songs, water toys, some massage to make the moment more relaxing ... Each baby takes the first baths in a way, but you will see how it is not complicated and In the end, he just likes it, it may even cost you to take them out of the bathtub!

We hope this practical step-by-step guide for baby bath be useful and enjoy the moment with your little ones.

In Babies and more, why doesn't my baby like bathing?

Video: How to Bathe Your Newborn Baby - Mothercare (July 2024).