"Third-hand" smoke, invisible but harmful to children's health

If we thought that when we entered a restaurant or a house where we used to smoke, there was no more danger from tobacco, we were wrong. We no longer talk about passive smokers as if they were really breathing smoke from a cigarette, but Toxics that persist after smoking the cigarette are harmful to children's health.

It is no longer smoked in playgrounds or in enclosed public spaces, but in the latter we are still exposed to certain substances that tobacco has left on surfaces of furniture, carpets, curtains ...

Experts say that to clean the air it is not enough to open the windows, close the doors or connect the fan. The harmful particles of the cigar are deposited in the household dust accumulated on any surface, remain in the atmosphere and are released through clothing and emitted through the smoker's mouth.

To realize this "invisible threat" that represents the residual contamination that persists after turning off the cigarette A new term has just been coined: third-hand smoking, for which children are their main victims.

In an article published in the "Pediatrics" magazine, point out that minors are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of the levels, even if they are low, of the toxic substances of third-hand smoke.

And it highlights the error of those families with smokers who believe that if they consume tobacco when children are not present they protect them from its effects.

It is easy to understand how a child who sucks, touches, crawls and simply breathes near objects and surfaces impregnated with toxins is somewhat "contaminated."

The remains of tobacco smoke can remain for weeks and even months: gases, chemicals and poisonous metals, some of them potentially carcinogenic and others associated with cognitive deficits in children, as a decrease in their reading skills.

Among the substances found in a third-hand smoking are cyanide (used in industry), butane (the gas used in lighters), toluene (found in paint solvents), arsenic, lead, carbon monoxide ...

It is clear that Children are the most vulnerable to this "third-hand smoking" that remains in our homes and other enclosed spaces, invisible but harmful to your health. We will have to spend more time without smoking so that we are really facing "smoke-free spaces" ...