Parents may stay (without limitations) with their children in pediatric ICUs

One of the rights of hospitalized children is that parents (or failing that, other relatives, such as grandparents), they can be by your side the duration of the stay.

However, until now, families with children admitted to pediatric ICUs were not provided continuous contact. To tell the truth, and according to a study by the Spanish Federation of Children with Cancer (FEPNC), only in ten centers (of the 25 visited) hospitals, the schedule was open and flexible (between four and ten hours a day).

The Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equality, has collected the pretensions of the awareness campaign carried out by the FEPNC (and the wishes of all parents with children hospitalized in ICUs), and yesterday, the Interterritorial Health Council, discussed a proposal to standardize care, visitation schedules and protocols in pediatric and neonatal ICUs. It is intended that, parents may be accompanying children in order to improve treatment and approach of all the pathologies related to those little ones. It is known that it is essential that the father, mother (or who they designate) can be with them for the duration of the stay. And is that medical care must be accompanied by love, and even more so in minors who need the support of their relatives,

The proposal of the Ministry also The promotion of 'skin to skin' contact in newborns was discussed, and their interaction with mom or dad, due to the benefits shown; as well as the creation of breast milk banks in the Neonatology services of the main hospital centers.

We highly appreciate this initiative integrated into the National Children's Plan, which will allow pediatric ICUs of Spanish hospitals, parents can stay without limitations with their children.

Video: Being Diagnosed With A Rare Condition. Temple Street Childrens Hospital. Real Families (July 2024).