The picture of a happy McDonald's box that has been saved for 6 years revolutionizes social networks

When i saw this I regretted the few times I've eaten at McDonald's. This photo was shared by a girl a few days ago and of course, it has gone viral ... so much so that it appeared on the news of the Fox network in the United States for how incredible it seems. One day, He decided to buy a happy little box and save it. Six years later he has opened it and has encountered this panorama ...

It's been 6 years since I bought this "Happy Meal" at McDonald's. It's been sitting at our office this whole time and…

Posted by Jennifer Lovdahl on Wednesday, February 3, 2016

It's been 6 years since I bought this "happy meal" at Mcdonald's. He has been sitting in our office all this time and it has not rotted, molded, or decomposed at all!!! It smells like cardboard only. We did this experiment to show our patients how unhealthy this "food" is. Especially for our growing children !! There are so many chemicals in this meal! Choose real food! Apples, bananas, carrots, celery ... Those are real fast food.

The reactions have not been expected and that photo has been shared more than 365,000 times. I suppose that practically all of us have ever read that the chain adds preservatives to the food, but when you see such a thing, you realize that it is normal that today there are so many eating disorders in North America, a country in which the normal diet of A person goes through breakfast, lunch or dinner at McDonald's several times a week.

Obviously there are people who have questioned the veracity of the photo (it is normal), but honestly it gives me a lot to think about ... I have enough fingers left to count how many times I have eaten there, but It is worrisome to see that in their restaurants many children are always seen with their happy little box (To which by the way, he is credited with inducing bad eating habits with his toys).

I've searched the brand's social networks and I have not found any kind of statement about it, but we will continue informing.

Do you usually eat there? What do you think of this news?

Source | Facebook Jennifer Lovdahl