Give birth to three pairs of twins in just 26 months

She is barely 20 years old and has been the mother of six children born to three pregnant women. Danesha Couch, of Kansas (United States) has conceived and given birth to three pairs of twins in a period of 26 months.

Receiving the news that not only one baby is coming, but two, is shocking the first time. The second is even more, but finding out that you are pregnant with twins for the third time already seems like a joke. The chances of this happening naturally is one in 500 thousand cases.

Danesha has not had it easy. In the first birth he lost one of his twins due to complications at birth. That happened on April 13, 2014. Twelve months later he had his second pair of twins and a month ago Darla and Delanie were born, the third pair of twins consecutively, who have been in intensive care for three weeks. In none of the cases there were medications to increase fertility or treatments of any kind.

For what is this?

The recurrence of a twin pregnancy is unlikely, and less likely to be repeated three consecutive times. None of the pregnancies mediated medications to increase fertility or any assisted reproduction technique. All their babies were conceived without fertility treatments.

There are several factors in your favor. African-American women are more likely to have twins than Caucasian and Asian women. In addition, mothers who have given birth to twins are more likely to do so again, according to a report published by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.

According to specialists, this is because releases more than one egg per month. "Their tubes produce two simultaneous eggs that are prepared to be fertilized," said Dr. Elizabeth Wickstrom of the Shawnee Mission Medical Center.

He is still very young and has many fertile years ahead of him, but it is not easy to get five babies ahead in the conditions in which they currently live. They have decided together with their partner not to have more children, at least in the next 10 or 15 years.

Video: Metro woman has three sets of twins in 26 months (July 2024).