Your child's first tutoring

The first time I heard the word "tutoring" I already carried the heavy load of the faculty books in my backpack. And it was that before these things did not exist, your parents did not go to tutoring with the teacher, no. Your parents were going to "talk" with the teacher, or in my case, they were going to see what it was that I had bundled up in class. In the EGB years, only consultations were called when something happened, usually fat enough to get your father out of work and that your stomach would shrink so much that you didn't get a poke.

And now you are the father or mother of the creature and have just arrived at school you have been marked in red, or pink, depending on how old the site is, Your child's first tutoring And the first thing that goes through the head is But if we finish and start, it is impossible that I have already bundled it so soon! There are things that are never forgotten.

Allow me to tell you from my point of view, that of man and in this case too ... father.

Tutoring, how about a "tutoring"?

You expect a note with something simple to arrive, such as that the next week Marco Polo day is celebrated and your son has to be dressed in spaghetti with tomato, easy, you do not put the bib at dinner and the next day You can take that looks like the entire spaghetti and Bolognese dish. Or that the celebration of the autumn, of the books, of the color red, of the differential equations of fourth grade, whatever, but a tutoring? A mentoring ever. In fact, you will read and reread it a few times. Tu-to-ri-a, tutoring, tutoring, tu-tu-tu-tu, which is more or less what your brain does in those moments.

But what could a baby under three years have done?

Remember: tutoring = we have bundled it.

You think, but what will he have done? Did the teacher drool the laptop? Have they got tired of collecting food from the roof? Will it hit other children? Come on, you're a sea of ​​doubt. As you can not guess what will be the reason for the tutoring you go to the next question ...

But who can attend a tutoring at quarter past eleven?

I understand that there are parents who can attend that schedule and it is clear that they will not be there until nine at night that is when you arrive home. But you have to ask for half a day to attend.
- Well, only one can come.
- Of that nothing, I want to be and of course my partner will not say no. But it could not be early and at least we save a couple of trips and an hour and a half of traffic jam?

They could also do it by videoconference, in fact, as this conciliation continues to advance at the speed it does, it is very likely that future children will see their parents via iPad.

And what to wear?

I know it looks like a brief stupidity, but these are things that go through your mind. Saving the distances is like a first date, or perhaps it is more like a first job interview because you have questions like how would you like me? Do you think I'm worth the job? How do I act, in a family plan, as a modern, classic, straight father, as a colleague? For God's sake, if it's just a tutoring!

But it is something very serious, that it is not the same that one works in an office or that has had time to go home to wear something different to the campaign uniform. Suppose one is military and goes to the tutoring of his children in uniform. If this were the United States, people would probably congratulate you, or thank you, I would ask you about Iraq and those things we see on the news and on YouTube videos, but in this country, once a military man comes through the door and we all stand guard.

What if you were a butcher and you forget to take off your apron? My mother, we would have the kids with nightmares all week (or who knows, maybe they confuse you with Dexter and ask you for an autograph, which today you don't know what to expect).

And if it already happens when you arrive at school and become Fulano Gonzalez or María de las Mercedes for the father or mother of Fulanito, as you go to a tutoring and your clothes are the ones that attract attention, both you and your son are going to lose your identities and so your son will become the son of the military, the flight attendant and you will be known by your trade. So if one prefers to be known why he is in ved of who and does not have a job to attract attention, something like mine, you can always borrow a uniform, though, without forgetting that your son will have Than living with a father who is an astronaut with that for the rest of his life.

The ridiculous of the chairs

If you have ever been to a tutoring, you will know what I am going to talk about. These XXS size chairs made of bright-colored plastic and that do not lift more than 25 centimeters from the floor. Let's see, are you telling me that you don't have three normal chairs for these cases? Although they are those of summer movies.

I am very clear that just as in my time the teachers were always on a raised platform, now they make you sit in those chairs so that they continue to maintain that position of superiority. Yes, that they also sit in those chairs just like us, but here I disagree, at least on two points: Point one: they have been sitting in these chairs for a lifetime, they know what the most comfortable posture is, which does not make you look like a hippo in the middle of a social club and especially how to bend your legs so as not to run out of circulation in them and second: These chairs are made so that a child of about 15 or 20 kilos maximum feels around the meter high. I weigh 90 kilos and measure one seventy, there is not a single decent way and that does not make you feel the most ridiculous both when you sit and when you get up and be all the time thinking that when you least expect it the chair and you are going to end up rolling on the ground. How can someone defend themselves in that position?

I will take the camping chairs next time.

The talk"

Well, once one has found a posture that allows you to have a three-way conversation between adults, sitting in toy chairs, around a table taken from the Looney Tunes set, the most important thing is to keep the mind away from that aerial image of you and that you know that will make you start laughing without being able to stop at least in the next 20 minutes.

So let's avoid thinking about the situation and let's focus on what is really important, which is our son and his evaluation. And of course, what evaluation can a two-year-old or even younger child have? Well, the one that corresponds to that age. That if the child is obedient, if it relates well to the rest of the children, that if the gross or fine psychomotor skills, depending on the time we go and other strange concepts such as socialization, resilience, etc. All a bit as a summary, to go deeper, in clear theory, because it is enough that they ask you the first question about your son so that you see the door open and as a good first-time father you start talking about him and half an hour later you keep telling the life and miracles, since he was born, of your little one.

So it's time to leave and your son's tutor has hardly had time to say this mouth is mine. But do not worry because in a few months more will come and this time there will not be so many nerves.