Years of waiting for an in vitro fertilization in public health

We already know that public health has a lot to fix, but today we enter into the issue of in vitro fertilization treatments that are performed, or rather that they expect to be performed, because It has been reported that the waiting time for an in vitro fertilization treatment in public health can reach up to five years.

It has been the Patient Advocate Association who has made the complaint by sending a letter to the Minister of Health of Madrid, the complaint is general, but particularly exposes the case of a marriage that is around 40 years of age and has been on the waiting list for an in vitro fertilization at the Prince of Asturias Hospital in Alcalá (Madrid) for more than a year and they have announced that they should still wait between two and three years.

This waiting list leaves out couples who are 39 years old and older, since when the time comes for their treatment, they will have exceeded the stipulated age to undergo in vitro fertilization. This situation is what causes you to go to private health to fulfill the dream of forming a family, having to bear a very high cost. Precisely the private centers specialized in assisted reproduction techniques proliferate, where there is a profitable business there is an offer, and there are currently more than 800 thousand couples with infertility problems in our country.

Those who can pay it, those who cannot, ask for a loan and there are also those who cannot even face a monthly fee with interest to be able to have a child, because then they have to add all the expenses that (these are satisfactory ) involve the arrival of a baby in the family.

It must be horrible to want to be a father, to see how they try to promote birth on both sides, with birth aid, for being a working mother, etc., but they do not provide a solution to couples with infertility problems. This would be an aid that they would have to keep in mind, for the thousands of couples who are years waiting for an assisted reproduction treatment, although for the moment they only require that the wait for in vitro fertilization does not exceed six months.

Video: Our IVF Journey: Everything You Need To Know (July 2024).