How to practice the kangaroo or skin-to-skin method (video)

He kangaroo method It is a recommended practice for the care and treatment of premature babies, but it is also a practice for the baby born at term, as it favors the emotional bond with the mother and father.

How you see in the video is a very simple practice that consists of placing the baby on the naked torso of the mother or father, in skin-to-skin contact.

The kangaroo method has been shown to have important benefits for premature babies, so much that it has begun to be implemented in many neonatal intensive care units as a complement to the incubator and also at home.

By being in skin-to-skin contact with your mother or father, the baby regulates body temperature better, regulates stress better and adapts better to the environment and external stimuli. It has also been proven that it helps premature babies better tolerate the pain of medical interventions.

At the physiological level, it improves the level of oxygen, stabilizes the respiratory and heart rate and better coordinates the suction-swallowing.

But it is not only recommended for premature babies. Skin-to-skin contact with the newborn baby, even if born at term, is a wonderful experience for both the baby and the parents. And not only for mothers. Parents can also use the kangaroo method and check its magical effect.

Video: Kangaroo Care: The Benefits of Holding Your Newborn Close (July 2024).