A pregnancy simulator so everyone feels what it is (or almost)

How the baby gains weight or his movements are some of the sensations that a pregnancy simulator It aims to reproduce so that everyone who wants it can notice what it means to have a baby inside. Or almost, because of nausea, fluid retention, hormonal changes or swollen feet I think this device does not include it yet ...

It is now available to everyone, men, children, the elderly ... knowing what a woman feels during pregnancy, at least in part. The weight of the growing fetus, the temperature of the amniotic fluid, its heartbeat and the movements of the future baby can be perceived thanks to this pregnancy simulator created by Takuya Iwamoto of the Institute of Science and Technology of Japan.

As published by the British science magazine "New Scientist," this state-of-the-art device offers a "real" feeling of this experience that, however, will remain unique to women, of course.

The device can be adapted to experience a "fast motion pregnancy"With the fetus that develops in two minutes minutes, but it can also be carried for a long period of time and feel the true weight of the baby growing and moving, in addition to responding to the movements of the mother herself.

How the pregnancy simulator works

To mimic the fetus, the device contains a bag full of four liters of warm water. The movement of the kicks is recreated with a complex system of 45 balloons that expand and contract. The movement of the "baby" requires a network of air actuators, sources of vibration that can be moved at the same time causing a sensation of union between the two points, as if the baby twisted or displaced its members.

The system also contains a motion and touch sensor to allow interaction. When the game is connected to a computer, the software shows a 3D model of the fetus where changes are appreciated for the different stages of pregnancy.

The fetus that appears on the screen seems to be in a good mood when a "bearer" taps his belly (or where it is placed) and makes constant movements. If the person carrying the simulator moves vigorously, this will cause a more intense "fetus" movement.

This curious invention will have its official presentation in Vancouver (Canada) in August 2011, within the framework of an international fair of computer graphics and interactive techniques. The utility that will be given, is already more diffuse.

I was struck that the four liters of water stay far away from the true extra weight that women have to move With us during pregnancy. I am sure that many people would remove it instantly if they really happened to have to move with so many kilos on top. In fact, thankfully we gain weight little by little ...

The team that created this pregnancy simulator He hopes that the system will help men to better understand what happens to a woman during pregnancy. It will be the most realistic simulator so far, but science and technology have yet to advance so that this privilege of women is available to everyone ...

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