A very special toy drawer

Maintaining the order of the children's room is important, both by organization and because children learn to take care of their toys. To have them in place, we can use a storage system like this special toy drawer.

It is a large box designed by Agnes & Agnes conceived as a piece of furniture to store toys and as a toy in itself. Visually it is a very clean, simple solution and at the same time it is functional.

The box was created in the form of a parallelepiped (six-sided prism whose bases are parallelograms, equal and parallel two to two) so it offers infinite possibilities to store large and small toys, books, cars, dolls, etc.

But the funny thing is that it is not only a piece of furniture to store toys, but it quickly becomes a play space where the child can paint, hide, sit or transform it into a small house, fortress or castle.

The box measures 110 x 60 cm, 40 cm high, so we must have space in the room so that children can make the most of it.

It can be ordered in plum color like the one we see in the photo or in natural wood. Any of its versions in precious, the choice will depend on the rest of the decoration of the room. Unfortunately its price is not available to all budgets; It costs 1,950 euros