The death of a child who goes without a belt may be considered homicide

Data on child mortality due to traffic accidents indicate that in 40 of the last 76 deaths children did not wear a seat belt or lacked adequate measures to travel safely: car seats, elevators, ...

With these figures in hand it has been decided that in accidents in which children die and were not subject by the seat belt or by the appropriate devices for their age drivers may be charged with manslaughter or the crime of reckless injuries.

This measure appears due to the need to protect minors, since it is understood that they are not trained to choose which security measure is more appropriate or to know the risk involved in traveling without any subjection (that they tell us, that in our childhood we traveled in any way).

The measure, however, is considered as a last resort and not as a rule, although the possibility of talking about homicide is already, in itself, indicative that strategies are sought that directly hold parents or guardians responsible for the children.

In the case of school transport, the responsibility lies with the driver of the bus and the persons accompanying the minors. In that case, the punitive measures will be exactly the same.

In case the fatal accident occurs due to being brakes or tires of the vehicle in poor condition could also be considered homicide, since the responsibility of carrying the car in good condition rests with the driver and / or the owner of the vehicle.

It is clear that the car is a potentially dangerous element although, when used daily, it seems safe. Children depend on us for everything, and in that everything is included to travel in a safe way, in a seat appropriate to their size and weight and with seat belts on.

I think it is logical to start talking about something as serious as "homicide case" if, today, having the information you have, deaths continue to occur because children do not travel with the appropriate security measures.