Suavinex's Doubby: bottle carrier and bib, two in one

The Suavinex childcare brand, which by the way has an increasingly modern image, has just launched Doubby, a bottle carrier and bib, two in one, within its new limited edition collection The Motion Edition.

Among the novelties of the collection for current babies who like to move, the star is the Doubby bottle carrier, which consists of a neoprene cover adaptable to all sizes of bottles that just by opening a closure becomes a practical bib.

It is ideal for when we go for a walk with the baby or traveling. Precisely, I have used it on a recent trip with my baby and it has been great to carry the bottle and keep it warm. It was prepared very hot and the neorprene cover served to prevent it from cooling quickly leaving a margin of more or less an hour and a half to take it.

I have also used it as a bib to protect clothes. The only thing I did not like is to keep it dirty (but the same as any other bib, unless it is disposable), but it is very easy to wash and thanks to its fabric it dries very quickly to use it again.

Another advantage is that instead of taking up space in the bag, it can be hung from the cart thanks to an automatic clasp, which also serves to hold the bib of the baby's neck. Its price is 6.50 euros.

The Motion Edition collection is completed with a bottle, a pacifier and a matching clasp with Doubby.