"Children are often treated as inferior beings." Interview with Enrique Blay (V)

We finish today with the publication of the series of interviews with psychotherapist Enrique Blay. We have talked with him about the importance of the experiences and emotions of fetuses in the womb and also of the feelings of babies, how they perceive their surroundings and the enormous importance that their upbringing will have for their entire lives .

In the last conversation Enrique Blay He explained that the lack, the lack of attention to the emotional needs of the children and the use of violence, even if it is mild, and detachment, will cause a difficult dependence. All this, he considers that influences powerfully in people's lives and also, logically, in the way in which society works. Today, to say goodbye, we wanted to delve a little deeper into the consequences for the future of a little containerized and detached upbringing and the violence that can be exerted on children.

Where do the ideas that limit breastfeeding and physical contact with children come from?

The ignorance of the emotional needs of babies and children, their way of being and feeling. These ideas arise from a dominant posture towards children, who must be obedient and indoctrinated in what the adult needs. Fortunately, humanity has evolved a lot towards Human Rights, Women's Rights and Anti-Racism, but there is still much to do about the Rights of Children.

Children are often treated as inferior beings.

What harm does following these parenting guidelines do?

Of course. You just have to observe how the World is and the people who inhabit it. Who else and who least everything we are a little unbalanced.

As we know that in the primal era the foundations of what the child will be as an adult are built, it is easy to deduce that the damage produced at that time will have consequences in the rest of the person's life. The ability to love, self-esteem, empathy, tolerance, social abilities, have their origin at that time.

Therefore, as long as we get a baby, a child, to feel loved, he will love himself, others, the World and the entire Universe. Who makes a baby, a child, feel loved, sows love for the future.

Does independence and self-confidence arise from attachment or forced autonomy?

They are born of self-esteem. That is to say of the conviction that I am worthy of being loved, imported and have value because I exist, and that I am valuable, I can manage myself and manage my surroundings efficiently. I know I have something to offer others.

Self-esteem is achieved if the baby and the child feel loved, it is one thing to love another person, and another to make her feel that way. Only security and self-confidence, high self-esteem, allows independence, understood as the ability to face life situations and experiences for oneself. Although it would be better to talk about inter-dependence, since the human being is a social being.

How to resist an environment that requires early separation and limitation of contact with babies?

Well, the truth is that it is tiresome to be constantly listening to negative judgments, that all they do is show great ignorance of the emotional needs of babies and children.

Luckily, in addition to one's own maternal and paternal intuition, there is enough scientific evidence, for those who want to hear them, that demonstrate the importance of affective food in the neurological and psychological development of the human being. Colecho, breastfeeding, crying attention and physical contact, are no longer a matter of four sensibilers who exceed in the care of their children, but the way to get babies and children have the maximum chances of developing your Being, be happy and perform as human beings.

There are more and more associations of mothers and fathers, such as the valuable Breastfeeding Associations, which serve to strengthen confidence in parenting that respects the needs of babies and children. There is more and more experimental and scientific information that certifies the benefits of this relationship with them.

Is our society sick of lack of love?

I would say that love is a seed that we all carry inside and that what makes us sick as individuals and as a society is our inability to recognize it and our inability to manage it.

This inability is created in the primal era, where emotional deficiencies or sufferings create emotional imbalances and build barriers that impede the flow of your expression.

Society is a reflection of individuals and the great challenge today is to achieve a gestation, birth, upbringing and education, which allows adults with high levels of self-esteem, emotionally and socially intelligent. This can only be achieved, and I would repeat it to satiety, making babies and children feel loved.

It has really been exciting interview Enrique Blay, a man full of wisdom and sensitivity, which has led us to discover that only respectful upbringing can make our children happy and emotionally healthy, and that, necessarily, will change the world in which they will live.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).