"Come on children, come on," the beautiful words of Pablo Iglesias to his premature twins that have moved us

Between this month of September and October, Leo and Manuel, the twins of Irene Montero and Pablo Iglesias should have been born. But his arrival in the world took place on July 3, much earlier than expected. When a couple's baby arrives in the world prematurely, everything wobbles around. Many fears and doubts arise before that birth, and day by day it becomes an obstacle course for these little warriors.

Two months after that, Pablo Iglesias has shared in his social networks an emotional letter addressed to his children. It explains how these weeks of uncertainty and struggle have been, and thanks all the support and affection received.

"Come on children, come on"

"It's been two months since our children were born prematurely. Since that July 3, when they arrived by surprise, we repeat the same word over and over again: come on. It was first of moving forward and after overcoming stages of recovery. Every day we looked at them and repeated the same thing: come on children, come on ".

With these emotional words begins the letter that the politician, Pablo Iglesias, has shared on his Facebook account. A letter that he wanted to address to his children and to all the people who have supported the family in these hard months and of great uncertainty.

His twins, Leo and Manuel, were born prematurely on July 3, with six months of gestation. Since then the life of these little ones, like that of the other 28,000 premature babies born every year in Spain, has been a constant obstacle course where all that matters is to overcome, step by step, each stage.

The consequences of premature birth depend, among other factors, on the degree of prematurity. The fundamental problem that a baby born before term has is its low weight and immature organs, especially the lungs, which causes them to be exposed to greater complications than those born at term.

For a premature one, every day that passes is an obstacle overcome, and a struggle for life that overwhelms the hearts of those who see it from outside. And it is that It is amazing to see the courage and desire to live of these little warriors!

A precious memory to milk donor mothers

"Before they could feed only on Irene's milk, it was the milk of other mothers that helped them live. As soon as it was enough, Irene's was also donated milk for other children. Public health made our children milk brothers of many children like them. "

We have already commented on several occasions the importance of breast milk for premature and large premature babies, because it improves the structure of the heart and acts by protecting them against infections and serious diseases such as necrotizing enterocolitis, which affects 10 percent of premature infants and which in some cases can be fatal.

In Spain there are currently 13 banks of breast milk that collect an average of 7,400 liters of milk annually, donated with all their love by nursing mothers. Mothers who know perfectly the incredible value that has every drop of breast milk, and who are looking altruistically to donate it to those who need it most.

Recognition of the work of professionals

Pablo Iglesias' letter continues with the recognition of the work of all healthcare professionals They have taken care of their children during this time, from doctors to the nursing team.

When a baby is born prematurely, for some parents nothing is as expected. It is a hard, distressing experience and for which no one had prepared them. Therefore, the physical and emotional accompaniment, as well as knowing that from the first moment, both your child and them will be in the best hands.

And the best hands are undoubtedly that of the specialized professionals who work hard every day to get these little fighters ahead, to provide care and care, and to bring comfort to the family.

Most parents of premature babies agree to indicate that the relationship they establish with those who dedicate their efforts and knowledge to save the lives of their children It is simply unique, and they admire the unconditional commitment they work with every day.

And so it follows from the words of Pablo Iglesias:

"Everything has been possible thanks to a team of public health professionals in addition to the love and support of our people (...) We have been fortunate, like all fathers and mothers of premature children of Gregorio Marañón Hospital, that Dr. Manuel Sanchez Luna was his guardian angel Many know that Manuel is a world eminence in the care of premature lungs, but only the mothers and fathers of their children know that, above all, he is a caring and good man. and we want to thank your team "

"We will always remember Dr. Elena Zamora, who, behind her round glasses, hid a look at a time that was ironic, sober and sweet. To Dr. Ana Rodríguez, who gave us her voice and joy once and a thousand times, in addition to the most precise care: Dr. Concha Hernández, who accompanied us from the first night, discreet and careful, always with words and decisions that embrace Dr. Santiago Lizárraga, with his affectionate firmness, always attentive ".

"To Dr. Virginia Uzal, temperate and discreet, who still appears by surprise to give a" how are you. "We, like all the mothers and fathers of premature children of this hospital, we have passed through the hands of many other doctors (mostly women) of Gregorio Marañón Hospital, without which nothing would have been possible. We are eternally grateful ".

The value of hugs

But in addition to the care and involvement of the medical team and incubators, there is also something fundamental to help premature baby get ahead, and it is human warmth.

That is why it is so important to perform skin to skin with the baby, talk to him, comfort him and give him security. Because all these pleasant sensations will help them, not only to improve their brain development, but to counteract the physical pain they suffer as a result of the punctures and the interventions to which they must be subjected.

"We have also been fortunate to enjoy the care of nursing professionals who have not left us a second alone since we arrived at the hospital. The hands of Sagrario, Cristina, Ohiane (who spoke to them in Basque) from Julian, Neus, Alejandro, Paula, Carmen, Marisa and many others whoother than caring for and feeding our children, they spoiled them".

"Only the mothers and fathers of children who, like ours, have gone through an intensive care unit, know what the pampering and caresses that premature babies receive."

Everyone's empathy and affection

Pablo Iglesias' letter ends with a sincere thanks to all the people who have taken care of them during this time, who have advised and supported them, knowing the pain and uncertainty they were living. Why when we become parents there is nothing that unites us more than pain for a child, regardless of our political ideas or any other circumstance that can separate us in our day to day.

"We will teach our children that they are always respectful of those who think differently because humanity, decency and friendship are not the exclusive heritage of any cause. The lump in our throat has pushed us to write to thank those they have helped us get here ".

There is no doubt that for parents who look forward to the arrival of their son in the world, a premature birth is devastating. Seeing your little one fight for life should cause so much fear, so much pain and so much helplessness, that the hug and support of those around you become, without a doubt, the best balm.

From Babies and More we are very happy that Pablo and Irene can close this stage. These little warriors still have a long way to go, but they are surrounded by love and exceptional care, so, as his father says: "let's go!"

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