Is anyone teaching teenagers to drink responsibly?

In view of the current patterns of alcohol and other drug use (unlawful), I just think that the possibility of making a fool of yourself in front of everyone when you 'go over drinking' is laughable in the face of other possible consequences that can lead to substance abuse.

Themi Garagounis is a specialist in education on drugs and health issues, he is also a well-known speaker in Australia. In this post, describe a situation that is repeated globally every week. A group of teenagers crowd around a completely drunk girl - and with loss of consciousness - without knowing what to do. Well, some know very well that 'it is a priority' (for them of course), take some photos (so they can upload them to their favorite social network, a fun turned into a joke in very bad taste!).

When asked, nobody has called the parents or the emergency services. No one knows that if brain damage occurs, it could be irreversible.; not even that when the body can no longer (thankfully, that the attacked organism can still react), try to expel the alcohol by vomiting, and that if the person is lying on his back, he can suck and flood his lungs with him.

Apparently, the girl who found Garagounis, had ingested in the last 30 minutes, a liter and a half of one of those energy drinks with caffeine, mixed with vodka. And he had done it as proof that Be part of a game called FUBAR.

And as you can imagine, this game is completely irresponsibleIt is more or less that the participants should do what the letters tell them: rhymes, answer questions, drink three drinks, drink alcohol without stopping for a long time. And I, what do you want me to say? I know that these ages are characterized by having a certain attachment to risky behaviors, but is it necessary to ruin health for it?

Drink responsibly and other things to consider

  • If a friend is drunk, they should make sure that he is well, and be able to call emergency services.

  • Learn to take care of the best friends.

  • Reject games with alcohol and other drugs.

  • Do not mix alcohol with energy drinks, or other drugs. Young people believe they control, but the effect of substances on their body depends on factors as scattered and uncontrollable as mood, the state of adulteration of the illegal drug used, body weight, etc.

  • Do you like to use your brain in other contexts of life? Then you will want to know that it is not this who governs your actions when you have abused.

After this, our attitude should not only be to think 'I hope it doesn't touch me', but take an active role in children's education. Knowing that we don't have a magic wand so that our children don't have serious problems with drugs; and that although deep down many would not want them to have contact, we must be aware that the real objective would be to drink responsibly.

And we must remember that in adolescence, the group weighs heavily on children (more than parents' advice or expectations), therefore, we must also put the emphasis on maintaining individuality.

And by the way, it would be nice for adults in this let's also give an example: parents, grandparents, uncles, parents' friends, and society in general. It is not that he wants to wait for anyone, but it is not uncommon to see how parents encourage their offspring at local party games, while they finish 'the penultimate', and alcohol wreaks havoc in their pronunciation.

Set an example and talk with the kids on the subject, because - although it is never supposed to be too late - it would be good if they noticed our interest in their first contact with alcohol (and the other substances that roam freely in youth environments) .

Video: Helping teens learn how to drink responsibly. (July 2024).