Leave books within the reach of children

With two young daughters, I have concluded that the children reach the books. Place them where you put them, except under lock and key. Which is not too practical for anyone, if not impossible unless our collection of volumes is very scarce.

Children reach children's books, and those of adults, not too fit to wrinkle and break. You can always forget a book by the bed or the sofa, where children can arrive. Luckily it is probably not an exclusive luxury edition ... In the end, they also reach the shelves, open drawers and closets ...

Thus it is best to leave children's books within the reach of children. At first we had them on high shelves that they do not access, but, although we continue to keep that place (and many others, you can imagine our love of books), now the books have a place reserved for them.

It is a simple way to encourage love for reading to our children, even when they cannot read. In this way, they don't always have to ask us to give them a book when they feel like watching or playing with them.

With books, stories and comics at your fingertips, they pick them up whenever they want, choose the one they love most at that time and look at it as they please.

Of course, always with supervision so that they do not end up shattered ... although that is inevitable to a greater or lesser extent, and I personally have become accustomed that it does not hurt so much see broken, wrinkled or painted pages with a very abstract style sui generis... At the end of the day, I also underline and fold the corners of the books ... We will go to jealousy!

Within this assortment of books available to children, magazines or catalogs that browse with interest are also included (until they are relegated to the "uninteresting" pile ... that is another topic).

The low shelves or drawers of the tables, the bottom of the bookshelves, or their toy chest are the ideal places to which they arrive safely. And we must also teach them to take care of them as much as possible! (Like any other object, let's go ...).

Even so, there will always be other books out of reach, but I would invite you not to be left out of your sight, because that way you can see them, feel like reading them and asking us.

Definitely, leaving children's books within the reach of children We encourage them to be free to take their favorite stories and drawings whenever they want, have fun and learn that they can enjoy a book at any time.

Video: Reach Out and Read at CHOP: Open Book, Open World (July 2024).