Five books for restless children

Our little ones are subjected to a frantic pace of life and just as adults need activities to learn to lower revolutions and disconnect, children too. We have selected you five books to channel the energies of the little ones.

They are books with which you can relax and start in mindfulness and yoga in a playful way. They will help all children, especially those who are easily distracted, have problems with sleep, concentration and for the most restless.

Quiet and attentive

A highly recommended book if you want to start practicing meditation techniques with your children. It is written by a Dutch therapist who has developed a specific method for children. 'Quiet attentive like a frog, by Eline Snel' It has become a bestseller. You can find it on Amazon for 18.53 euros.

Mindfulness for children

A practical guide with very simple exercises for parents and children to enter together in the world of mindfulness. Teach breathing techniques and body control to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness for children, by Paloma Sainz, is available on Amazon for 16.15 euros.

Planting seeds

A book that brings together the practices used by Thich Nhat Hanh, one of the best known Buddhist teachers, in his work with children. It helps children and adults to free themselves from stress, increase concentration and self-confidence, face difficult emotions, improve communication or cultivate peace. It includes about 30 full-color illustrations and a CD with easy-to-practice songs and meditation exercises. Planting Seeds, the Practice of Mindfulness With Children, by Thich Nhat Hanh It costs 28.03 on Amazon

Yoga with stories

What I liked most about this book is that it combines the ancient practice of yoga with children's stories. Simple, practical and easy to read for the little ones. Yoga with stories, how to teach children yoga by using stories, from Sydney Solis, Amazon, 16.25 euros.

A quiet forest

This is a recommendation of Mama (c) current that I arrived after reading her post about her experience with the mindfulness that we have taken in our weekly review of dad and mum blogs. It is for children from 4 years and invites, through a story, to become aware of the importance of attention in our daily lives. A Quiet Forest, by Patricia Día Caneja It can be purchased at Amazon for 13.21 euros.

Calm and attentive like a frog. Meditation for children ... With their parents (Psychology)

Today in Amazon for € 18.52

Mindfulness For Children (Child And His World)

Today in Amazon for € 16.15

Planting seeds (Psychology)

Today in amazon for € 28.02

Yoga With Stories (Stories To Learn Yoga)

Today in amazon for € 17.63


Today in Amazon for € 13.20