Intelligence bits and early stimulation

Recently we talked about the importance of early stimulation in babies, and in it we commented that within a more specific educational framework (such as that carried out in school) the so-called intelligence bits.

Also called "information units" or "visual information cards", they aim to improve attention, facilitate concentration and develop and stimulate the brain, memory and learning.

They are part of Doman method created by Dr. Glenn Doman, and consist of units of visual information that are presented to children in a certain way.

But not everything is to show the dog's sheet or the "Las Meninas" sheet by Velázquez; It will always be accompanied by an auditory stimulus, which is nothing more than saying out loud what we are teaching.

In this combined way (visual and auditory stimulation) the retention of the concept presented in the minds of babies is sought.

There are commercialized bits of intelligence (Edelvives, Edebé ...), but they can also be homemade. We simply have to take care that the photographs or drawings that are used fulfill very important characteristics: they must be precise, concrete, clear, large and novel.

The intelligence bits are grouped into categories that refer to a topic (music, art, animals, food ...), and are made up of a group of 10 images, which will be passed to the child 10 to 15 times during a second each one.

We can compare it with the way advertisers have by showing us the ads we see again and again. For example, when the children see the McDonalds ads and see their logo, after several times repeating the name next to the symbol, when they go down the street and see an establishment of that chain they will say: "Look mom, a McDonalds!"

Finally, we must know that intelligence bits are not intended to teach directly; They seek to stimulate different areas. None of these stimuli are so important that it must be received.

Video: Music for Brain Power (July 2024).