Four home remedies to lower the temperature of babies and children with fever

Babies and children have an immature immune system that leads them to catch many more infections and diseases than we adults do, and more repeatedly. There are children who are lucky enough to take very few things and more or less have a good time and others who, poorly, have a history that could well bear the name of an old man with several decades behind him.

Whatever the group in which your children are framed, surely they have had a fever on more than one occasion and surely on more than one occasion you have thought "and I can not do something to lower the temperature?". Yes, you can do something and surely your son will thank you. Whether or not you have given syrup for fever (paracetamol and ibuprofen are the most typical), there are more things that can be done and that is why we offer you today four home remedies to lower the temperature of babies and children.

Four home remedies for babies and children fever

1) Remove some clothes

Take off some clothes so that the heat can be dispersed: the clothes have the power to “catch” the body heat and keep it, also preventing the outside air from touching our skin and cooling us. When a child has a fever, it is ideal not to be warm to avoid all this. Nor naked, because it could get worse, but with light and comfortable clothes.

In Babies and more Natural remedies to reduce fever in children

2) Maintain an adequate room temperature

Let it not be hot wherever the child is: if it is winter and we are at home with the heating on it can be interesting lower the temperature of the house. In summer we must take into account the same, that they are in a ventilated room, but without them being in drafts or under the “jet” of the air conditioning.

3) Keep you hydrated

Make a liquid diet so that it is rehydrated: if the child is sweating because of the fever it is advisable that we go hydrating. Some children also don't want to eat a lot if they have a fever and can better accept a liquid diet, which will help us rehydrate them. Juices, water or broths are recommended and, in the case of babies, oral serum or breast milk (artificial if not taken).

4) Tranquility

Try the child be calm: If the child has a high fever, it is most likely that he does not feel like batting an eye. If instead you do not have much fever, you may still have the strength to move (and move a lot) and there are many children who, even with a fever, do not stop. It is not that you have to tie them to the chair so that they do not move, but it is advisable to try to do with the children calmer activities that do not make them increase the body temperature or sweat.

And if the fever goes down, don't we take it to the emergency room?

Fever is a symptom, not a disease. The fever alone says that there is some type of infection against which the child is defending and that infection usually ends up leaving more symptoms (earache, sore throat, itching when urinating, etc.). If the fever has just appeared a few hours ago, it is most likely impossible to see the focus of the infection and it is usually recommended to wait at least 24 hours to see if the child is still ill and if he complains about something in particular.

In Babies and more, does your child have a fever of 38ºC? There is no reason to go to the pediatrician

I say wait because many virasis are so temporary that a child has a fever one day and the next day they no longer, and I say wait because many times you go to the pediatrician with fever a few hours ago and you come back without knowing what it has because the focus is not yet seen.

Now, if the fever is very high and the child is not well, and even with an antidermal is still in poor condition, I would not wait. I prefer to sin prudently that of reckless. And if you have less than 3 months, no matter how little fever you have, you have to go to hospital (I no longer tell the pediatrician of the primary care center), because they are babies so small that it is necessary and advisable to know why they have tenths or fever.

Video: Fever in Kids: When to Call the Doctor (July 2024).