Ten curiosities about babies

There is much information we have at our disposal about babies, every day more and every day more accurate, to know them in depth before they arrive.

There are books, magazines, blogs and professionals who are dedicated (we are dedicated) to try to explain, almost to the millimeter, some aspects of newborns, with the intention of helping future parents know what is normal, what is not and offer some advice and recommendations on something for which no one prepares us in the daily life of our life: caring for a baby.

In spite of all the information offered there are always some small things related to the babies of those who could start with a “Did you know that…?”, That by themselves do not give too much to talk, but that surely you think are curious to know . Let's meet ten of those curiosities:

  • During the nine months that pass from conception until they are born the weight of a baby is multiplied by 3,000 million. Even in the last months of pregnancy, the rate of growth and fattening will be the greatest of a baby's entire life (if we count as life the last months or weeks of pregnancy).
  • Between the birth and the year of life a child triples his weight. At two years he will weigh four times more than when he was born. Between birth and the year of life will grow about 25 cm. To grow 25 cm. more and reach the height meter it will take about five more years After his first birthday.
  • The brain of a newborn is 10% of its total weight, while in adults it is only 2%. Despite this, when they are born, they have a brain that only supposes 25% of what they will have in adulthood.
  • A baby's heart beats between 130 and 160 times per minute. In the case of an adult the normal heart rate, at rest, is around 60 to 80 beats per minute, a sign that as a baby grows and with it his heart, the heartbeat gradually decreases.
  • The foot of a newborn is the third part of the foot you will have as an adult. When you are one year old, the size will be almost half. I don't know to what extent calculations can be made to determine the foot that an older baby will have, because if he is born with a 14, a reasonable measure, triple is a 42. If he is born with a 15, it would be a 45. Let's say then that It is almost a third of the foot you will have.
  • Human newborns are the only living beings who intentionally smile at their parents. It is an innate characteristic of humans that babies need to ensure that they will "like" their parents and caregivers. If they were not able to look us in the eye and smile, their care, based on almost continuous demands, groans and cries, could be compromised in some cases.
  • During the first days of life babies do not usually produce tears because the tear ducts are still closed, however some babies do have tears, to the amazement of many adults.
  • Newborns often sneeze and it is not usually a sign of a cold. Sneezing, as with adults, is a mechanism that helps clean the airways.
  • The most developed sense of babies is that of smell. As we have seen on other occasions the view is not fully developed, so as you best recognize your mother it is because of the smell.
  • Whatever day your son or daughter was born, the day of his birthday will also be the birthday of 9 million more people across the planet. Although it is our special day, we are not unique, of course. Millions of candles will blow on my birthday.

Surely there are many more curiosities related to babies, so if you can think of one or remember when you read these ten of the one that they explained to you and you have not been able to forget, comment on them here, it is always fun to read things like that.