Piercings: risks involved in putting them

Currently all those who have children of adolescent age, you will know what we are talking about and what to wear piercings, is something that has been fashionable among young people for a long time.

A post has just been published study in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology which reveals that in 20% of cases in which a piercing is placed, complications such as infections and local bleeding occur, which can have more serious consequences, depending on the area of ​​the body where it is placed.

Anne Laumann, Professor of dermatology at Northwestern University of ChicagoHe wants to make it clear that people who wear a piercing should be informed of the consequences that this can have on their health, in order to prevent them.

The Professor Laumann and her team They have prepared a review of research in which they confirm what are the most common complications such as infections and the local bleeds and observe more unusual ones, but that carry greater danger, such as: cases of hepatitis, endocarditis, brain infections, contact dermatitis, haemorrhages, keloid formation (poor healing) Y nerve damage.

These serious consequences may or may not arise, depending on the materials used, the experience of the person who puts them on, the hygiene of the procedure, the subsequent care and, no doubt, the areas of the body.

He Head of Dermatology of the University Hospital of La Coruña, Eduardo Fonseca Capdevila, notes that the piercings that can create more complications, are those that are put in the language, the lips and the genitals.

Considering these consequences, the Professor Laumann and his team make a call to prevention and information, warning those interested, that they should choose qualified people to put piercings, who in addition to taking the adequate hygiene measures, will take care of warn about possible general risks and individuals from each zone.

When our son insists that he wants to get a piercing, we should take him to a dermatologist to inform you of all the damage to your health, which can bring you put one, to think twice.

Video: The Problem with Tongue Piercings Risks, Complications, Tips! (July 2024).