The obsession to get pregnant

In some women it usually happens that their desire to be a mother happens to become an obsession to get pregnant at all costs.

When the maternal instinct knocks on the door they want to have a child and have it as soon as possible, especially in cases where there has been some previous difficulty such as an abortion that has broken their illusion.

Month after month there is a disappointment to see that they have not achieved the much desired pregnancy, even being convinced that they had nonexistent symptoms.

They are even able to calculate the date of birth from the day they have relationships, which only become a reproductive act in the fertility period rather than an act of love.

One of the factors that influence, and much, in getting pregnant is our own mind, that since the pituitary gland (pituitary gland), the most important endocrine gland in our body, controls the reproductive system.

When the obsessive desire to get pregnant controls your mind, it conditions your own body and relationships with your partner, whom you end up seeing as more than a partner as a kind of stallion.

The thing is not like that. It is proven that when we relax and free the mind of obsessions, the obstacles of our body are also released.

It is there when pregnancy occurs, which also should not be an obsessive need but a vocation, a delivery based on the desire to be a mother.

A good proposal is the holidays to conceive of the ones we talked about in the blog, which promise to make us forget about the stress to achieve the long-awaited pregnancy.