What crafts do your kids like to do? the question of the week

Every week we ask you a question that parents can answer and vote in our section Babies and more Answers. This way we share experiences and know your views and customs better. Each week we launch a new question and value the answers of the question from the previous week.

Crafts are part of children's learning. They are a best practice for children because it stimulates their manual skills, improves concentration and encourages creativity, as well as making them feel that they are able to create things with their own hands. That is why we want to know:

What crafts do your kids like to do?

Tell us what materials you like to work, paper, cardboard, clay, clay, recycling objects, make musical instruments ... Also if you have transmitted your taste for crafts, or that of a family member, or if It is a child's own hobby.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you, what do you think about children taking tuppers from home to eat at school? It has been Anamare's who thinks

In the school where I work the food is prepared right there and it is so good that even the teachers ask for it to take home because it is also cheaper and more practical than having to buy, cook ... So I would not put my children " lunch box ”while the school meal is of quality and varied. As a teacher I see several inconveniences to the “lunch box”: in our area it is too hot to keep food at “room temperature” for more than 4 hours (30-35º, in May, June, September), children of children and primary school they are too small to heat their food and eat autonomously, which would be necessary to have educators who should pay families (or the Administration, which I do not think), would create distinctions and surely quit among children (one eating a sausage and piece of bread and other fideúa, coke and chocolate cake ...) does not seem ethical or educational. Children carrying lunch boxes will have to pay because unlike the recess time that is reactive for teachers (that's why guards are made and the yard is guarded) the dining hours (where there is a split day from 12 to 15h) are not lectures, from 12 to 13h is the exclusive and is dedicated to organizational tasks, tutoring and coordination, and from 13-15 is not working hours for teachers (we also have to eat, go home ...) with which children They are attended by educators and they have to charge. I think the best solution would be the continuous day, having a good breakfast at home, having lunch in the middle of the morning, a snack at 1pm and 3pm to eat at home. And this schedule for everyone, also for parents of course, because here in Spain we are used to everything being open until 10pm but if we want to reconcile family and work life things will have to change.

We remind you that our question for this week is now available in the Baby Answers section and more and we invite you to vote and answer on that link so that we can take into account your participation.