Be insatiable during breastfeeding: what it is and what you can do to relieve it

As we said when talking about dehydration and breastfeeding, the woman who breastfeeds has to heed her thirst and drink what she needs to calm her. It is very common for the mother to feel more thirsty than usual during breastfeeding, a thirst that sometimes seems insatiable.

During the night and when you wake up is when you can feel that sensation of dry mouth and continuous thirst while breastfeeding your baby. We explain what is due and what can you do to relieve it.

Why is thirst during breastfeeding?

It is normal to feel thirsty during breastfeeding, since the body asks us to replace the fluid that loses While we breastfeed. We must not forget that 88 percent of breast milk is water.

It may also be due to increased levels of hormones such as oxytocin and vasopressin, a hormone related to the regulation of body fluids.

How much liquid should I drink while breastfeeding?

It is estimated that the woman produces approximately between 700 and 900 ml of milk daily, so in theory you should replenish that amount of fluid in your body.

But the truth is that there is no fixed amount for all women, since each one has different needs (some are used to drinking more liquid than others) ... The only indicator that shows us how much we need to drink is our thirst.

How to relieve thirst during breastfeeding?

Increase fluid intake based on your thirst

The body needs to replenish the fluid it loses during breastfeeding, but you should not drink more than normal if the body does not ask for it. It is a contradiction. We have already seen that it is not proven that drinking more water will produce more milk, it could even be the opposite.

For proper milk production, a healthy and varied diet (including sufficient fluid intake) and baby sucking would suffice.

Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

Keep in mind that talking about liquids is not only water, but also juices, soups, infusions and the water that foods naturally contain, especially fruits and vegetables. The important thing is that you stay well hydrated throughout the day.

Baby water before or during breastfeeding

A good idea to relieve the sensation of thirst is to drink a glass of water before or during drinking. When you sit down to breastfeed, always take a glass or bottle of water, which leads to the following advice.

Always have a bottle of water on hand

Try to always have a bottle of water that accompanies you everywhere: where you usually breastfeed, in your bag, in the baby's bag, in the car ... And remember to also take it to the bedside table, since during the night The feeling of thirst is increased.

My advice: I was very thirsty to add a slice of lemon in the glass and many ice (the first months of breastfeeding touched me in summer).

Having an insatiable thirst during breastfeeding It is common and all you have to do is drink fluids and foods that contribute to the body's hydration and quench thirst.

Photos | iStockphoto
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