The idea of ​​a mother for her children to learn the value of money: a home employment office

Although home schooling is essential, there are children who spend the day with "I want this, buy me that", while his brothers never demand anything.

It seems that the three children of Shaketha Marion McGregor, a mother from Dublin (United States) were from the first group, to ask without limits.

One afternoon of shopping he gave them money so that each one spent it in their own way and found that they were more cautious in expenses, because the money was theirs. A) Yes He came up with an idea to teach them what it costs to earn a salary and how to manage it and posted it on his Facebook account. He set up an employment office to select the homework that they can best perform. His trick has been shared more than 130 thousand times in just one week.

Work at home and learn to manage salary

“My children keep asking me for a new phone, pay it and go to places. I told them that I had heard their requests and that today I would have a surprise when I got home from school. ”

"SURPRISE !!! I set up a hiring event! 😂 If you want, work to get it, to earn it! And yes, I also have a savings cooperative at home."

This is how this single mother explained the reason for her proposal in her Facebook account.

For her it was the best way for them to learn what it costs to earn money and also how difficult it is sometimes to manage it.

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As he explained to the television show Today, the light bulb went on after a shopping trip with his children Jahkeem, 13, Takeia, 10, and Serinity, 6.

"I gave each of them a few dollars and told them: 'Spend it as you want.' They acted differently when I bought them something, they looked at the prices. I noticed that they were more cautious because it was their money. They wanted to save."

He recognizes that the idea of ​​managing money he liked and "I started thinking about ways to teach them about how to budget their time and money."

So he sat down in front of the computer and began writing search ads and job recruitment. Three positions, for three children: head chef, housekeeper and laundry supervisor.

He also developed a form that the children had to fill in to apply for one of the jobs.

And the interviews were called for the next day in his bedroom.

Photo: Facebook Shaketha Marion McGregor

The children learned

The publication went viral, the mother admits, so the next day she decided to share her experience with her followers.

“The interviews are over and I'm still laughing. I'm going to have my son submit a request again and repeat the interview because he laughed 90% of the time. ”

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In addition, he adds curious details that reflect that some of the children took the jobs quite seriously. For example, although they are from Georgia (USA) “My 10-year-old daughter sometimes spoke with an English accent as if she were going to help him. And my daughter of six was the one that surprised me the most. It was super professional. ” These are their salaries:

  • Jenny, six years: $ 10 a week
  • Takeia, 10 years: $ 20 per month
  • Jakheem, 13 years old: $ 15 a week

"Ah! And they want their phones to be paid separately. I told them that I would let them know on Thursday who got each job but none wanted to work in the kitchen. I hate dishes too, that's why it's in the job board! 😂😂 ”

But there is more. As Shaketha tells abc News 'his employees' were welcome to his new job with orientation sessions. There they received their own labels with their names and had to fill out new hiring forms:

"I want them to be a little familiar with the process when they are older. Whether to apply for a school place or a new job or something, they can look back and say, 'I did this with mom years ago.'"

While not all parents agree to pay their children for collaborating at home, for others it is a good idea to put into practice with their own children. In fact, his publication has received a multitude of comments among which praise can be read as "Parenting Win !!!!" ("Fatherhood wins") or "I love it. Not only are you teaching them responsibility and how to manage money, but you're giving them a memory for a lifetime."

And as Shaketha says "It's about finding what works in our family and listening to the children. You have to talk to our children and see what things really interest them and discover how they can be implemented at home and on a day-to-day basis."

"What I realize is that children just want to be taken into account and be part of something."

What do you think?

Photos | iStock

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