World Day for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse: a date to remember our role in the protection of children

Tomorrow is International Children's Day (or Children's Day), which claims compliance with the Rights set forth in the Convention signed in 1989. One of those Rights, the one indicated in article 19, reads as follows: “It is the obligation of the States protect children from all forms of violence and abuse, who have made fathers, mothers or any other person dedicated to their care ”.

And because children who suffer from sexual abuse are not being protected (ASI), because society as a whole does not want to see that the problem is perpetuated, because hundreds of children suffer sexual abuse and abuse, today (November 19) we have a date to commemorate.

On Twitter, one of the hastag that has been circulating is #yotecreo, because it's about that: that children who suffer today ASI, are believed, something that many of the adults who were abused in their childhood cannot say.

There is little in Peques and Más that we have not told about Child Sexual Abuse, and it is certainly much less than what the victims would need to be said, but somehow, we contribute our grain of sand. It is good news that they are "news" (and this is a lot to say, considering the resonance that this date has) ASI, it is good news to talk about it - but there are always those who say that children invent: although this argument is easily removable -.

What is not good news is that between 23 to 25 percent of girls, and 10-15% of boys suffer sexual abuse before age 17; fundamentally committed by people around them. What to do? then make them visible and walk towards a society that has zero tolerance for these abuses. And establish mechanisms to prevent them from repeating themselves, establishing legal measures such as the non-prescription of penalties, or making it impossible for those convicted of these abuses to work with minors.

The family is the main protection children have in the face of this aggression against his integrity and his present and future health; the family and a structured and aware community. It is pointed out as a factor in maintaining abuses, a misunderstood masculinity (because there are a greater number of girl victims), and if that cause is accepted (which does not have to be unique), both men and women must position themselves against the ASI.

Because the children they have no more protection than the adults who love them and are willing to protect them (from parents, to teachers, to family or friends).