What I learned in a "sleep workshop" for babies and children

As I read about every facet in a child's life, a new parallel universe is discovered before me. One of the most interesting and most controversial is the dream: not only because there are theories that some defend as the absolute truth (when we are talking about little people who have a different way of being), and because it is so important in the physical and emotional development of a child that as a parent, always Try not to make any mistake that prevents them from sleeping well.

Last week Babies and More He attended an interesting "Sleep Workshop" organized by Carrefour Baby, an interesting meeting with two well-known psychologists in which we were able to identify some of the problems that occur most frequently at bedtime and learn some techniques to help children To have a peaceful and peaceful dream.

In my case, first-time pregnant reunited with more than 20 mothers with diverse experiences was like my first day of school: everything that was talked about there was completely new for me and I realized that one of the great forgotten is common sense: Just as there is no manual to be good parents, there is no way to sleep a baby.

How long should a child sleep according to his age?

Let us start from the fact that a child sleeps much more than an adult because at that time there are essential processes for their intellectual development (connections between neurons are created), and for their physical development, since it is at that time that they secrete growth hormone.

Of course, we must bear in mind that babies are not robots who sleep a strict and determined amount of hours (in fact there are children who sleep a lot and others very little and it is completely normal). Given that each child is a world and according to experts, this is the approximate number of hours that a child should sleep according to his age:

  • Newborn: 16 to 20 hours
  • 6 weeks: 15-16 hours a day
  • 4 months: 9-12 hours a day + 2 2-hour naps
  • 6 months: 11-12 hours + 2 2-hour naps
  • 1 year: 12 hours a day
  • 3 years: 10 hours and daytime sleep must have disappeared

What the theories say about the best way to sleep a baby

As in all the issues that occur to us, there are many theories about it, although the most famous are Estivill's behavioral method and other natural upbringing. The first proposes that before crying, the father should not do anything (come on, let him cry all the time in his crib), and the other, that we should help him catch the dream. Two very different faces of the same coin that we talked about recently.

What mistake do we make when it comes to helping a child sleep?

According to experts, the mistake is precisely that: want to help them. In theory, the less essential we become for them, the quieter they will be for the process to flow. The father must provide the conditions for the child to be relaxed, feel safe and calm and try to establish a routine so that the child intuits that it is time to sleep, but avoiding giving the signal that only by our side can they do so.

Although the perception of psychologists may differ a little from mine (I think taking him in his arms if that relaxes him and gives him security is not bad), I agree that having a few steps that children will be familiar with and relating to sleep time is healthy for everyone.

The feeling of guilt of parents when their children do not sleep well

One of the things I could perceive that day was the feeling of guilt felt by parents whose children do not sleep well: they have read the "bible books" on the subject, have tried routines, let them cry. However, seeing that nothing works, they resign themselves to getting up as many times as necessary and that It becomes a problem that affects them in their daily lives, even in the relationship with his son. In that case, parents may need help to feel better and ensure that they are also in a state of calm and thus reach a healthy family routine.

Common sense: the best way to help them sleep

If there is one thing that I have been able to realize is that Children feel the mood of the people around them (mainly that of his parents). If you are in a hurry because the baby falls asleep or if you predispose yourself thinking that the "battle of the dream" begins again, rest assured that he will feel it ... the tranquility we want to see in our children must start from ourselves.

It is clear that there are times that can be hard for a child's life (such as weaning), when they may feel insecure, and that is where we must provide the support the child needs. Crying is like a snowball: it stresses both the child and the parents, so if you feel he needs you, why refuse to attend him? There is nothing more relaxing and that gives more security to a baby than the arms of his parents.

Some interesting tricks at bedtime

  • If the child has problems at bedtime at night, the problem probably lies in your daytime routine: Evaluate what he does, how much he sleeps and if there is any activity that is over-stimulating him in the afternoon, before bedtime.
  • Check your diet, since this and your sleeping habits are closely related (for example, breast milk is easier to digest, so it is likely that a baby fed on it will wake up more than one fed on formula milk) .
  • Establish a routine and try not to change it, since one of the things that stresses a child (regardless of age), is the lack of activity in your daily life.
  • Always keep in mind that what a child is looking for when crying is tranquility and security.

Have you followed any book method? Are you in favor of letting him cry or attending as soon as he does?

Photos | futurestreet, thinkstock

Video: 6 Surprising Life Lessons I Learned in Japan (May 2024).