Do not give them a choice: toxic products, out of reach of children

Most childhood poisonings are caused by ingesting cleaning supplies or toxic products They find at home. It is important that, for your safety, always be kept out of reach, if possible in height and locked.

The biggest danger is that they are not items that go unnoticed for them. Quite the opposite. Because of the color of its packaging, they attract a lot, so much that they see them as a toy, and even if they are offered at the same time, they prefer them over real toys.

The video you see is an experiment made by Lemz, a Dutch advertising agency, to show that More than half of children choose to play with a toxic product such as bleach, cleaners, a can of paint or the flashy detergent capsules that children confuse with treats before playing with a toy.

Through a camera with eye tracking sensors and heart rate meters they concluded that children clearly prefer the toxic ones to the toys.

50% of the children preferred a stain remover to a doll, 64% a paint bucket to a stuffed animal and 82% a lye container to some building blocks. Hence the motto: "Don't give kids a choice" (don't give them a choice).

Avoid accidents

The cleaning products that we have at home, as well as paints, thinners or garden products constitute, like medicines, a serious danger of poisoning for the little ones. That is why it is important that we always keep them in a very good way, never transfer the liquid to bottles of water or other drinks and pay close attention when using them not to leave them open to the reach of the child.

What to do if the child has ingested a toxic product

In addition to prevention, it is also essential to know what to do if the child swallows a cleaning product and especially what not to do. Never give anything to eat or drink, or cause vomiting It can cause digestive lesions.

The Toxicology number (91 562 04 20) or emergencies (112) should be called for directions or, if necessary, urgently go to the primary care center or hospital.

Via | The independent
In Babies and more | What to do if the child ingests some cleaning product ?, Dangers of home poisoning: cleaning products, Child poisoning: children see different things