Dads and moms blogs: stories of two brothers, the fears of our children and tips for first-time parents

Today as every Tuesday we do our review of those blogs of dads and moms that we have out there and that always offer us a very personal point of motherhood or fatherhood.

We start with the blog of My Window to the World a story of those that reach your heart, a story of two brothers, a school and an adaptation process. Highly recommended.

And we continue with crafts, because from the blog of Upload in my Heels They will teach us how to make snow from the home kitchen.

From Women & Mothers, Merak will tell us why he hates Halloween, a feeling shared by many more people, by the way and in which I have felt identified in several points.

From ** Equilibrium ** Sonia talks to us about how to explain to your children what labor conciliation consists of.

And also parents write and tell us their point of view of fatherhood, from The Caveman Dad give us some tips for new parents

From the blog of Annotations of an Autonomous Mother They explain to us very well what childhood fears are and give us advice on how to act before them.

And in the blog of Marujismo We have found an interesting article about how your house has been adapted to your children and they offer us some very interesting ideas.

And we end with a story, but in a very special way, because it seems that it will be written in different deliveries from the blog of The great library of Molletito and Cuchufleta and here you have the first chapter of the magic room.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.