She wanted to be a man, but she became a mother: a transsexual gestured, gave birth and breastfed her baby

Henry Steinn, a 19-year-old Icelandic boy was born a woman, but he never felt identified with his sexual condition and decided to become a man. When he only had one week left to begin the hormone treatment, something he had been waiting for years, his plans changed course due to unexpected news: I was waiting for a baby.

It was a shock, both for him and his partner. I wanted to be a man, but the desire to have a baby together, and despite the desire I had to start the hormonalization, She decided to postpone her plans to gestate, give birth and breastfeed her baby, since the hormonal process could put the new life on the road at risk.

Although becoming a mother was not at all in her life project, she carried on her pregnancy and on April 13 her daughter was born, whom she still breastfeeds.

Henry and his boyfriend currently live in the small town of Arskogssandur with his daughter, and says he will continue to breastfeed for as long as necessary. When the lactation period ends, Henry will resume his treatment to become a man as he has always wanted.

As for the upbringing of their daughter, the couple states that they will educate her without gender distinctions, and that when she is able to choose she will be free to make the choice she wants.

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