For a planet without animal abuse: children do what they see

A few months ago we received with joy the news that said bullfights were going to stop being broadcast on television to protect children from such a spectacle.

Now the platform La Tortura No Es Cultura wants to go a little further by doing a concentration tomorrow Sunday, May 8, 2011, at 12: 00h, in front of the Madrid sales plaza, to protest against all types of violence, whether against people or animals.

This concentration, which has been baptized with the slogan "For a planet without animal abuse"It was born as a protest to the intention of the Government of the Community of Madrid to fight so that bullfighting is recognized by Unesco, declaring it" of cultural interest "and for this they have made public the video that you can see above in which it is shown , taking advantage of an advertising campaign that we talked about a while ago, that children, our children, they learn from us and from our society and that it is we who must respect animals and our peers if we want them to do the same.

As I said in his day, never, neither as a child nor now that I am an adult, I have understood bullfighting. However, being something seen and enjoyed by my grandparents and being something accepted by the majority of society, its existence was normalized for me, as is the violence we see daily on television, for example.

That is what today's adults, responsible for the stimuli our children receive, must monitor and eliminate. It cannot be that a small child sees normal that the elderly kill animals slowly, gloating in their suffering and agony and that this becomes a show to applaud.

Video: A 10-year old's vision for healing the planet. Genesis Butler. TEDxCSULB (July 2024).