An Australian blogger shows her mother's body to end the pressure to recover her figure

It is not the first and luckily it will not be the last. For a few years, and thanks to social networks, there are many women who decide to show themselves as they are after having children, with their stretch marks, their kilos, their physical changes and a clear message: "Being a mother can also be this ... poor one who tells me that I should recover my figure. "

His name is Olivia White, she is 27 years old and a few days ago she showed on Instagram as you see it: teaching his mother's body to end the pressure to recover his figure.

Swollen face, tits full of milk, belly full of stretch marks ...

White decided to accompany the image of a text that would serve to show his opinion about it, at a time when he still thinks that women have to be the same as before, and when many mothers are exerting some pressure with the new fashion of the fit moms: those who exercise during pregnancy, after childbirth, even exercising with their children, and constantly photographing themselves in sportswear to show their progress.

In his text he said that he had a swollen face, full tits of milk, a stomach full of stretch marks and that all this mattered very little for a very simple reason: he is no longer the same person he was before having his babies, so He has no need to try to reflect with his body the life of a person who is no longer.

Because her breasts have fed their babies making them grow and grow strong and their belly with their stretch marks has been "the home of my little babies for 9 months."

And of course there are days that I would rather be a little firmer, or have a body more similar to what women aspire to achieve; but then remember everything she has done for herself, and everything goes to the background.

Why you should love your real body

When a woman appears showing stretch marks and a flaccid abdomen it is said that so are the real bodies, those seen after pregnancies and deliveries, which no one would show for being an unwanted side effect that should be eliminated until the body that was before pregnancy was recovered, until the trace of that moment is erased.

But ... are we not all the reflection of our experiences? What's wrong with it? There are real bodies with more prints and real bodies with fewer prints. There are even women who don't seem to have had children. Don't they all have the same right to show themselves as they are, whatever the vital moment they are in?

Of course, and to love him. To value what he has managed to do. Yes, of course, all women gestate their babies, but that all those who become mothers do so does not make it less incredible: a little person was born from your body! Is there anything more amazing than that? Why try to erase so hard all that reminds you of what you did?