If you see how gummies are made, you may never give them back to your children

Sometimes we know that something is not entirely healthy but we look the other way and try to convince ourselves that "A day is a day" or maybe we think "Well, for one or two nothing more."

With jelly beans, sweets and candies that happens to us many times, that we try to convince ourselves that "It's not for much" but not when we take them that we are adults, but when we let them take our children, we should think about that a little more.

Perhaps, If you see how jelly beans are made, you may never give them back to your children or at least it will cost you more to think that "it is not so much".

Do not lose detail of the following video, it is not friendly but it is not cruel, it is real and it is very clear how the process is from the beginning, to manufacture the colorful and sugary sweets.

Yes, we have all eaten a lollipop when we were children and two or three, but on special occasions, at very specific times but now the children's sugar intake through sweets is practically daily and the last ones responsible for that We are always adults. Fathers, mothers, relatives, ...

We have decided that the birthday cakes are also of sweets but not only our son's cake but, of course, the cakes of the rest of the children who invite our children to their birthdays (neighborhood friends, schoolmates, ... ). We have decided that a movie is almost always seen with sweets in the hand and in the mouth.

We adults have decided to turn our heads to the issue of diets in the diet and in the health of our children.

We are introducing more and more unhealthy foods in our children's day to day, not as something punctual and exceptional, but as something normal and usual. And it is something that we should change as a matter of urgency.

Video: A Boy Ate 150 Gummy Vitamins For Breakfast. This Is What Happened To His Bones. (May 2024).